Fic: The Chronicle of Perdition

Mar 08, 2010 21:27

TITLE: The Chronicle of Perdition
CHAPTER FOUR: Truth & Lies
Author: Vespaer
Characters: Sylar/Claire
Rating: Rated "PG13" for a little language and a little violence
Category: Romance/Angst (is that a category?)
Spoilers: S4 stuff
Word Count: 6843
Summary: It was… strange, feeling thankful for a lie.

Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes or anything remotely related and I bow humbly before the television gods, please have mercy on me.
A/N: Wheee zomg in this chapter we get a glimpse of an actual PLOT! *gasp* First of all, I don't say this enough: thank you ALL, so much, for the kind words. This would be FAR, FAR less fun without you. So, without further adieu, I give to you the Bad Guy. And some more appearances by much beloved Heroes characters. Oh, and more sylar!Angst because he's pretty when he's sad. I hope you enjoy!

CHAPTER FOUR: Truth & Lies

fic, $volume5, !multichapter, #rating: pg13, !angst, @vespaer, !romance

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