Experimentation (by: h0pefulregret, Sylar/Claire, Gretchen/Claire, PG-13)

Jan 07, 2010 14:22

TITLE: Experimentation
AUTHOR: Jessy [@ IJ ; @ LJ]
PAIRING: Sylar/Claire (sorta); Gretchen/Claire (again, sorta)
RATING: PG-13 (non-graphic mentions of sex)
SPOILERS: Season Four (does not include 'Upon This Rock' or 'Let it Bleed')
SUMMARY: College experimentation gone awry.
NOTES: Yet another ficlet for to comment_fic on LiveJournal. It's an answer to this prompt. Again, it's short and I'm not sure quite what I think of it but figured I'd post it anyway. It's unbeta'd so any mistakes are mine. And, as always, feedback feeds the muse!

{ Experimentation}

!one-shot, pairing: gretchen/claire, !ficlet, fic, $volume5, #rating: pg13, @h0pefulregret

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