Diamonds Aren’t This Girl’s Best Friend

Dec 16, 2008 21:18

Title: Diamonds Aren’t This Girl’s Best Friend
Author: cameroncrazed
Rating: G
Word Count: 700
Disclaimer: You think I own this? *falls over in hysterical laughter* “Heroes”, the concepts, and characters belong to T. Kring and NBC (I think).

Christmas/Holiday gift for karanina - prompt: Noah finally approves of Sylar.

“What’s this about?” Noah asks as he slips into the living room. Three in the morning on Christmas day is not a good time for an appointment, especially with the man he hates most. He still doesn’t understand why Sandra had invited that… monster… to spend Christmas with them.

Sylar nods at him. “Bennet. Thank you for meeting with me. I… uh… we need to discuss something.”

A thousand horrible thoughts race across Noah’s mind, and he suddenly finds he can’t breathe. ‘Don’t let Claire be pregnant with demon spawn, please’ he mentally begs a God he no longer believes in. “What about?”

“My Christmas gift for Claire.”

Noah sighs with relief. “It’s not a skull, is it?” He tries to make a joke, to lighten the mood.

Cocking his head to the side, Sylar looks at him. “No.” He pulls a small box out of his back pocket and opens it to show Noah a ring with three rubies.

‘At least it’s not a diamond engagement ring,’ Noah reminds himself, but he’s not happy about the fact that they’re obviously in a serious relationship. “It’s a really… nice… ring. Even though those rubies might end up looking like blood droplets, but that’s probably the reason you picked it.” ‘And when she finally dumps you, we can sell that baby and use the money for a long tropical vacation.’ The thought makes him smile.

Sylar closes the box and carefully places it back in his pocket, then looks up at the smiling Noah, misinterpreting the reason for the smile. “I have your approval then? I can give it to her tomorrow?”


“You know, I thought you’d argue over it, argue that I’m not ever going to be good enough for her. Thank you.” With that, Sylar slips back into the shadows, and Noah tries to pretend that the man’s going to sleep on the couch, that the heavy footsteps on the stairs to Claire’s room are just evidence of the fact that Mr. Muggles needs a diet. He’s so distracted by trying to pretend that there’s nothing going on, that he doesn’t give the ring another thought.

- - - - - - - - - -

“So, did he say yes?” Sandra asks Sylar as she serves him breakfast the next morning.

“Yes. No argument at all.”

“Okay, now that’s just weird. Are you sure it was Noah Bennet, my Noah? He’s never thought anyone’s good enough for his little Claire-bear.” Sandra bites her lip, trying to figure out what game her husband could possibly be playing. “Hmm, maybe he’s thinking that saying ‘no’ would just cause you two to elope instead - or maybe he remembered the hell my daddy put him through to get approval. Still, that’s strange.”

“What are you two whispering about over there?” Claire eyes them suspiciously when she enters the room.

“Nothing.” They both say at the same time, then smile.

Sandra tries to cover when Claire looks even more doubtful. “Waffles.”


- - - - - - - - - -

Noah’s a bit confused. All the gifts under the tree have been given out, and Sylar still hasn’t given Claire her ring. He’s starting to think that maybe he had a nightmare, that the entire exchange had been some sort of a dream or hallucination, until he realizes that Sylar’s kneeling in front of Claire on the sofa. ‘Did he lose a contact? Why is he on one knee?’ He refuses to accept the reality of the situation.

“Claire Bennet, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Sylar presents the ring, and she flings herself into his arms, crying.

“Yes! And you remembered what I said about not wanting diamonds! Yes!” Claire’s hand shakes as she holds it out to Sylar.

Noah wonders if he’s having a stroke. He can’t breathe, can’t think, can only hear the pounding of the blood in his head and his own rasping gasps.

“Dad?” Claire notices his problem.

“But… but… rubies. Not diamond. No.” The world grows slightly dark, and he hopes she’ll revive him if he’s having a heart attack.

“Noah?” Sylar’s voice is hazy, far-away. “Are you okay with this? I mean, you did give me your approval last night.”

When he realizes that yes, he had, Noah faints.


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