Fic: For You (Sylar/Claire)

Nov 24, 2008 02:20

Title: For You
Author: Drea Jackman
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Sylar/Claire
Summary: Sylar's tried so hard for so long, but she's never really understood why.
Spoilers: Nothing past 3x02 - you'll know the reference when you see it.
Disclaimer: Alas, I don't own Heroes nor any of the characters used in this fic. Stictly non-profit fun.
Word Count: 4322
Notes: My first ever Heroes fic, it kinda wrote itself once I'd got started. I've been terrified of posting it anywhere, but meh, here goes nuffin'! Please feel free to read and review ... oh, and be gentle! *whimper*

He Hated This.


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