10 Worst Places to Get Caught Having Sex Challenge

Nov 14, 2008 15:44

This article is just screaming to be made into a series of drabbles or short stories - any takers? Maybe I do one, you do one? Especially location #4. That's just... wow. Ten shades of special. Also #1 - and yet it somehow seems appropriate for a Claire fic, with her affinity for trains and all.

(um, warning: article nsfw)

eta: in case the article gets farked again, the list is:
10 - in court
9 - in church
8 - on a cop car
7 - in the cockpit (wow, that even sounds dirty)
6 - at school
5 - at work
4 - on a crane
3 - at a drive-thru
2 - jail
1 - train tracks

So far takers include me (train tracks), osbourne20 (in court), raitheemohugger (fast food drive-thru),  ladyanne525  (police car), ever_obsessed  (church), kathrynthegr8  (jail),  boonies  (at school),  liam22  (on a crane),  general_nothing  (at work), and josiefier  (cockpit).

And since we've run out of places, feel free to add your own if you'd like to contribute a story too! There's never too many bad (good?) places to get caught :)


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