Bunnies and Boy Wonders

Nov 03, 2008 20:49

Title: Bunnies and Boy Wonders
Fandom: Heroes (Sylar/Claire/Peter)
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 816 words
Beta: Thanks so much to cheap_valentine for helping me with the ending. I wasn't going to finish this, but she talked me into it. Go her!
Prompts: Us or Them for 50ficlets and Halloween for sylaire_chall
Summary: "I must have missed where it said dressing up in a ridiculous costume and smuggling you into a bar was part of my duty as your uncle"
Notes: part of my new Set This Circus Down series. Warning for canon incest.

pairing: sylar/claire/peter, @liam22, fic, !multichapter, #rating: pg13, !au

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