Headcanon - Peter Petrelli

Jun 12, 2013 17:24

My relationship with Peter is very complicated, and it changed so much between the run of the show (and through my RP).

Season One: I wanted the little shit dead. I wanted his power because he had it so easy. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t know how to use half of what he had.

Side Note - Kirby Plaza: I went to Kirby Plaza to stop Peter from destroying New York. I was the only one who could, but of course idiot Hiro would rather stab me than let me be the hero. Fucker.

Season Two: WE NEVER SAW EACH OTHER!! Which was pretty lame since he was my nemesis. Also it’s completely unfair that Peter got the cute Irish chick, and I got Maya.

Season Three: I was a better brother to Peter than Nathan was. I saved his life over and over again. I killed Arthur for him. I’d have died for him. Want to know what hurt the most about Angela not being my mother? It was that it meant Peter wasn’t my brother.

Season Four: I did a bad, bad thing. Not that Nathan didn’t have it coming, but it hurt Peter so much. I wanted to hurt him, because he’d shit on me when I was supposed to be his brother. But I still regret it because I loved him like a brother. Peter was the most important person in the world to me, and I fucked up.

But in my defense I was crazy, and that stupid shapeshifting power really fucked me up.

During the years in Cranium du Sylar (which I think was actually Peter’s head after he first tried to break me out), I did everything I could to get him to forgive me. It wasn’t easy. I didn’t deserve his forgiveness, but it happened.

Basically it comes down to one thing: I would do anything for Peter-anything.

char - peter, bio - headcanon

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