OOC - This is my brain. This is my brain on Starbucks.

Jun 13, 2011 19:03

Things have been getting better everyday. It's been a rough couple of years, but right now life is shiny. My words are flowing, and I've got to do final edits on one of my novels that's being published in August. I can't wait to see the cover art. I've gone with a small press because I didn't like being asked to strip off anything that made my character and setting unique. I didn't like how agents and big publishers want you to jump through flaming hoops of shit and then expect you to give them a blow job, all the while turning you into a ghost writer of your own work. Fuck that shit.

I've been getting quite a bit of freelance graphics and web work too, so that's been taking up my time as well. I am a much happier elf when I'm a busy elf. I think it has something to do with my disability, and how I've rewired my brain to do things that I'm not supposed to be able to do. You see according to the doctors when I was born, I'm supposed to be paralyzed and retarded. So as you can see, I've never been one to do/be what I'm told to be, and that rewiring seems to require that my brain keeps stimulated. It's impossible for me to do only one thing at a time. I can't even comprehend people who aren't capable of multitasking. I mean I have to concentrate to make parts of my body work that should be working with reflexes that I don't have, so on some level there's always something going on in my head because it has to be.

Wow, that was over sharing. I blame the venti iced mocha. I've had a lot of caffeine today.

This weekend I had someone ask me about Twitter RP, and I tried explaining why I don't do it anymore. As usual with this person I was like talking to a brick wall. For them followers = FRIENDS. They don't get that friends = friends, and who the fuck cares about followers? You RP to tell stories with friends of like minds. You do it for your own enjoyment. I could give a crap if the people following me are paying attention. When I was done talking to them, I went onto Twitter and unfollowed one thousand crap accounts/bots/strangers. My followers went down, but I don't care. Those people aren't my friends. They've never spoken to me. And it's not even the real me they're following anyway.

If I want to RP, I do it on LJ, or I might do a little on Twitter with my trusted RP friends. I've been playing with some of them for two years. I'm very lucky that I've got the greatest friends and RP partners in the world. Why would I need several thousand strangers when I have a dozen friends?

ooc - state of the mun

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