New Camera

May 31, 2008 16:55

Woot. I got a new digital camera since my Kodak has been broke-ded for at least 5 months now T_T


I love it, itz a Nikon Coolpix which is compatible with all my kodak stuff which it greatness. Itz 8.1 megapixels and has a 3" LCD screen. :D And a 3x zoom. I r soo happay.

Well, I am scheduled 9 - 1 today tomorrow and Mon...but they have me for 24hrs this week which is GAYNESS, I can't even afford my bills on a 32hr/wk salary and they put me on 24hrs?! Soo I stayed til almost 230 today. I will be staying til 2 tomorrow and Mon also. Then I am 830 - 5 Tues, off Wed, 1030 - 330 Thurs and off Fri. At least I got paid double for working memorial day, that will save me for the 27 hrs I will have for this week.

I want to take pictures now...but am waiting for my battery to charge all the way..DAMN YOU ANTICIPATION!!!!
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