UHmmm blah ....
long daY *
long dayz short nights.
my sleep sucks ... i canot sleep..
its awfuL .
Blah body LooKin alil beeter menalty ive been okay this weekend ..
keeping to myself to much tho .. i dont like it .scares me ..
just being quiet , kept up in the corner ..
adain defianly brings a smile TOo my face even tho its verry early. weLL this weekend im lookIng forwarD tewWW .. yaya .., been like foreVeR seen drew fooKing crap sucks asS but at least hes not tireD of me juusss Yet** soo distance i guess it what makes me wanna see hiM moRe **ErR still sucks.. ters still a huge gap between us cant figure it out .. but i wont die trying either ....
memorial day coming UP suMMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR aw ywaHHSHUm SiR re joe bob .. tan beer hamptons aw yeaHHHH ..
errr thursday very far this sucks mohatymE !
Any intrest taken-
in my thoughts that wonder about-
Easy dreams-ruF sleep-
i ShoulD be the GirL dremT about -
thiS shouldnt have you beating off in ure sleP-
BUT YET im the chik who is the CooL one-
im the Chik who just can sit n talk -
yEAh im tha Girl who wears thE huge tatto on her leg-
I AM the girl who needs the gyM at least 3xs a weEk.
Tro i am the Girl who orDers more n more beeR -bring IT HERE.
FAcT No the errings in my eaR did not hurt - stop asking .
See easy dreams and peacefuL dayz -- leads to Built up anger-
LeDs to feelings of too much doubt--
Walking past mirrors there not my fav place to gaze-
gaze towards the screan - much moreto see there .
ANy intrest taken ?
walking around - walking around happy n chattery -
NEver see'es to dismay soo many -
never see'es to ask what huh yeah everything is weLL...
I lay alone not Pondering to much -
not Ponder to too much for were the pills make me fall out ..
My Tv .. mY tv stays on .. light camera sounds-
CANT Sleep in the silence --
silecne bothers me sumtimes its gooD ..-
Insane - Insane sanity is what i concer
Yeap thats it bitter about my family-
Family to be biter about .
Frenids i care for freinds i love i can now count them on one hand .
ONe hand is all i need to see they mean all the worLd to me -
AND To me take this in thought i am me -BECAUSE oF mE and my dewing -
My dewings that Put me on this path-
This path has led me to me now here and now
again any inrest taken any intrest taken- not frum me ..