Aug 04, 2008 17:17

Friday September 26 bitches!!!!!!!

Along with the kickass bands Toxic Holocaust, Warbringer, and fuckin' PLAGUE, who are from here in San Antonio.

Holy shit, it's been a LONG time since I've been this excited for a show.

Come hell or high water, I'm fuckin' going. I'm already pissed that I'm not going to be able to make it to see Priest, Testament, Motorhead, & Heaven n' Hell on the 24th of August. This will have to make up for that.

THRASH!!!!!!! unrelated news, I'm still alive. Haven't had a chance to finish writing the material for Dysrupter in a while, since work & the economy SUCKING ASS has been taking it's toll on me. Busting my ass to break even is becoming INSANELY frustrating, but at least I'm not in the hole or in a ton of debt. So there's that.

I think I am starting to find a balance tho, so hopefully new riffs & ideas can be penned in the next month or so. Of course it would help if Paul would get his punk-ass online sometime so we could hammer out riff ideas, but he has like *3* jobs now X_X. So while he is getting his finances set, I will concentrate on the music when I can.

I've been playing a bunch of kick ass shows with Mind Industry the last few weeks. Got another one coming up on the 13th at the Rock Bottom Tattoo bar. Looking forward to it. Despite the cramped stage, the Rock Bottom is a good venue.

Wish I could have seen Death Angel there a few months ago (I'm still mad about that) but I had to work. And making money to survive is good, so I guess I can't complain too much about it.

My car sucks ass. It's dead again. But hopefully not for too much longer. Going to talk to someone about checking it out. I'm damn sure it's the starter, but I'm being told it could be a million things involved WITH the starter. **shrug**

As you can see, it's hectic 'round these parts. But I'm alive. And I will get everything on track & in place to be where I need to be. It's just taking time...a LOT of time.

Oh well. :)

Hope you all are doing well.

See ya.

-- H out
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