(no subject)

Nov 24, 2007 08:01

I dislike the fact that LJ tells you on that front page thing now that you haven't updated in x amount of weeks. I know that before it told you on your ui page, but you had to look for it. Here it's staring you in the face and I feel guilty because of it. I don't need to know that I haven't updated in five weeks. It never mattered to me before. But then, before I updated far more than I do now. I also had more time and less things distracting me. Excuses excuses. I also didn't care that I can't write journal entries for shit. I wasn't jealous of other people's journal entries. I'm not sure if that means I'm growing up or becoming more childish.
The insane dreams keep coming. Last night was a dream of how I was late for work and varied between panic and total uncaring on the matter to the point where I thought it would be quite alright for me to not go to work and not inform them of it. I mean, come on. It's just Giant Tiger, right? I had people from work along with my roommates there in the apartment. They were all ready to go to work. Instead of following them when they left, I went on whatever bus my roommate was going on, and she goes in a completely different direction. And when I decided to get off of the bus, I wasn't allowed to because the bus magically became a double decker and by the time I got to the bottom, they were moving again. And I couldn't find shoes. And someone shoved my roommate and there was a fight and we were nearly killed. This was not in order, but to tell you the truth, I'm not completely sure as to what the correct order of the dream really was.
And the night before, I had a dream I was going into surgery. I.. don't know why. It was all insanely confusing and kept me from sleeping properly. I'm not sure if it's just from the days goings on... or if I really should stop listening to Clive Barker audio books before going to sleep.
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