Sometimes unremarkable is just right.

Jun 02, 2010 05:00

Nothing extraordinary toNight. Rode my bike home from work around 10:15, fed my eager kittehs, ate my delicious sammich, talked to my pregnant seester while doing the dishes & listening to a complaining Apollo. Took the kittehs for a stroll while checking my many messages, talked to an excited, newly-engaged mother en route to helping her pregnant daughter ease some back pain. Laid on the hillside and tried to put to words what my mom meant to me, texted muh Sexypants (tm) about kitties chasing rabbits, and finally brought the bitches inside for the night. Wrote a list/ plan of attack for tomorrow, brushed my teeth, pj`d, crawled into bed, and let out a sigh of relief. So this is what I`ve been missing this whole time I`ve been so intent on distracting myself from the big scary world that is inside my head. Feels good to be present. I`m surprising myself every day with what I can accomplish.
Today, the mundane. Tomorrow, the impossible.
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