May 30, 2005 13:13

yeap yeap yeap
here i am at eric and travis's house
chillion out and written my report on the chaos that is az
thursday on the way up
mikes car kinda stopped likein us like less than 20 minutes from erics
were gonna get it back on a flat bed
we went and registered on friday
i was a lesbian cat girl (not really i just had cat ears and tail and said that i was a lesbian cat girl named tillie)
so much stuff i wanted and i had no effin money!
fell asleep on the marble thingy behind the couch at like 2 somethin and a staff member got a picture.... then some other staff member made me get off of it
saturday was the shiz nat
kinda slow in the morning but i fell asleep under a table in the afternoon and when i woke up there was a group of people sitting near by and i rolled out from under the table to be given soda
the group grew and we migrated to a table in artist ally and had music, food candy, tacos, drinks, pocky, and much more
it was good
very much so
girls liked my tail and played with it all night friday by the way..... i left that out earlier
they were my freinds so i didnt fell weird or anything
raved for a while sat
sunday we kinda hung out and watched naruto before we left again
all in all thats the most sense i can make out of this psycho weekend that i enjoyed so very much and am about to start savin for tommorow for next year

Baka Neko is happy
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