the things that make you go..eughhh...*puke face*

Mar 13, 2004 23:15


Happy Birthday to the Bekey-faerie tomorrow. Woo!! *dances*

Today..Jenn came at 3 in her new car!!..we drove to get Fred, I did his makeup and hair! so cute! and Jenn left to get Jeff, then we all went to the mall..(that rhymed-sweet) I saw Jared in Hot topic and talked to him a bit, then decided I wanted to look at things because thats more fun than talking to I saw these kick ass boots.. literally kick ass boots. I could kick someones ass in them. They are $60ish bucks and I WANT them. hell yes. ok where did we go!! we went to the Brewer Twin Buffet. (chinese) and yeah we like.. made everyone around us leave they were quite annoyed with our presence. what can i say but Jenn Jeff Ddy and I are noisy lil fucks that like to bounce in our seats. yes. *does a jenn giggle*.oh yeah..Target! it was crazy we were like on crack, playing with toys and things, i bought neon yellow fishnet tights for $4, then jenn and jeff decided to run off somewhere so ddy and i tried to follow, i saw them way up ahead and the aisle was HUGE wide.. so i started charging at jeff with my arms back and my head down..(weird vampire way) and he saw me so he started charging towards me with his BIG long coat flailed out like a cape..and ppl were was insane. jenn was going to get a starbucks coffee, and decided no cause the line was big. she touched my boob! *gasps* wtf? it was silly. kay then we went to bullmoose i believe..I saw Renfro and he was being nice so. I asked him if they had any London after midnight and they DONT so bullmoose SUCKs and thats that. and I asked him if I could do art consignment and he said "you'd have to talk to the manager, but if i were you i wouldnt do it cause blah blah doesnt sell..blah blah blah" *kt tuned out*. and then jenn bought the new HIM album. we promptly took off and drove around places..out to hampden and such..listening to MSI!! lol. we dropped off jeff at krystals, then took me home. i suppose jenn took ddy home and then took herself home..cause yeah. that's how it works.

What a fun night. I'm rick james, bitch.

Oh. Thursday, Hampden Academy doesnt have school, Jenn has a car, and Ddy and Jeff need to do an interview for Hollow Image, so we might go down for a band practice. *smiles* road trip yay! and jenn wants to shop at duh mall and i do too. so. good times. Friday is the Kave show for Hollow Image. Ddy needs to tape it.

<3 ahh lost my writing ability. loss of energy. damn chinese food. NIGHT! <3
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