Today was our first practice on the field. It was kinda fun, but definately a ton of work. I may have done marching band before, but it's a little different in college. For one, we lift our feet off the ground in mark time. We also had to learn to march backwards, which we did in high school but it had no practical use since we never did that at half time. We learned the high step, which feels good after standing at attention for a long time but is quite an effort to maintain. So yeah, basically I've been marching back and forth for about five hours, and I've got the sunburns to prove it. Ow, next time I'm using sunscreen!
All this marching really makes me think about the high school marching band. I loved those years and I really wish our old director Mr. Frantz was still around. I'd be tempted to come back and visit if he was. Mr. Johnson was alright, but... I don't think I'll ever have as good a teacher as Frantz.
...I wonder if
ensuing is doing the shirt design again...