well last Friday we had a talent show at my school that was heaps of fun. The show was called "The Golden Esbens", Esben being the leader of the student council. Each class got to show off some of their talents and now we get to vote on wich class is the best. Tomorow we wil find out who won. Anyway I have some pictures from the evening:
Our act involved me directing a choir as you can see.
At the end of the act I turned around and sang a line
Now this next part requires a little explanation. See in order to get a ballot to vote for your favorite class you had to buy a beer (or at least I thik that's what the rules were). Anyway as you could imagine I really wanted my class to win so that meant as the talent show went on the night got a little more interesting........
If you look closely enough you can see that that is me in the background behind the singer
And that's me again. See what I did was write "Steme På" on my stomach, which means "Vote For". (This you can see in the previous pic) On my back I wrote "2B" which is the name of my class. Pretty creative eh?
As you can see it was a pretty fun night!