The Way (Lots of People Said) It Should Be

Jan 10, 2016 19:24

Take this list, remove a thing, sort it by how much you like the things, add a thing at the top, a thing in the middle, and a thing at the bottom (preserving the sortedness):

(most liked)
happy times with good company
sun coming through the window
Getting something in the mail that isn't bills
Handknit scarves
a good dessert
Steam locomotives
Action movies without superpowers
talking to someone who treats a conversation like their personal storytime
Ortho surgeons
Firefox upgrades
Getting up early
Eating paper
Ingrown nails
Successfully coding someone (YOU DON'T KNOW how hard it is to think of something better than cats)
wet bread
getting reminded over and over that I should really really upgrade to Windows 10!!! Like now!! 100 million people love it, we swear!
(most disliked)
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