Yeah, I don't get it.

Mar 05, 2007 14:17

I'd been thinking some on the state of modern dating (specifically as it relates to me, a fairly shy guy), when I ran across this article regarding using texting, email, etc.

Explain something to me. I can see two scenarios where this would come up:
Scenario 1:
1. Guy meets girl, there are sparks.
2. Guy gets girl's phone number/email, etc.
3. Guy goes out on dates with the girl (in person), but has a hard time talking to her on the phone, so he texts her instead.
Bwuh? If I'm comfortable talking with a girl in person, why wouldn't I talk to her on the phone?

Scenario 2:
1. Guy notices girl, maybe they talk a little.
2. Guy gets girl's phone/email, etc, either from her or some creative MySpace stalking.
3. Guy sends girl messages via texting or email and possibly lands a date.
Do girls even respond to semi-unsolicited email?


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