2nd SylarElle Fic Awards - Rules & Categories

Feb 13, 2010 01:12

Welcome to the Second Sylar/Elle Fan Fic Awards!
To better honor the great authors and fics, we added some new categories, so please read the rules and check the categories.
superkappa and stainofmylove are helping me this year: if you have ANY question please ask here, we're more than happy to help!

You can reach us also by emailing at sylarelle@ymail.com


  • Eligible stories include those written between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009. Please note that fics that were nominated last year aren't eligible.
  • As tempting as it is, please find work other than your own to nominate.
  • Please don't inundate the awards with your favorite author by placing all their stories in the various categories. Really focus on great stories that fit the category - there are some really well known authors out there that deserve recognition - but there are also some smaller authors that deserve it too.
  • You can nominate one story for each category.
  • An author can have more than one story nominated as long as it isn't in the same category (Ex: ElleBishop has a story nominated in Drabbles and in Angst - that is fine - ElleBishop can't have two stories in Angst)
  • If someone nominates an author for a category that they already have a nomination in, the author must choose which story they want to be in the category.
  • If a story fits more than one category, it can go in both categories.
  • All categories are open to any rating and any style.
  • Nominated authors will receive a comment at their LJ notifying them of their nomination.
  • Authors that have been nominated but do not want to participate can have their stories pulled - just email the moderators directly at sylarelle@ymail.com 

  • Categories

    Categories will be split according to words count if the amount of unique fics nominated in a category justifies it, otherwise there will be no cap on the number of fics that can compete in a single category.

    Characters in the "Best Other Character Characterization" category will have their own categories if at least 3 fics featuring the character are nominated; otherwise they will be placed in the "Best Other Character" category.


    • Drabble: Stories that are no longer than 150 words. ONE drabble from a drabble collection may be nominated.
    • One Shot: Stories with less than 10.000 words.
    • Epic: Stories with more than 10.000 words.
    • Chapter fic: Stories that have three or more full finished stories relating to a single storyline or arch.
    • Best Sequel:
    • WIP: Work In Progress, stories that are still being written. The only exception is that they must be regularly updated. Don't nominate a story that hasn't been updated in over six months.


    • Angst short: for stories just filled with drama, heartbreak, arguing, etc. Under 1500 words.
    • Angst long: for stories just filled with drama, heartbreak, arguing, etc. Over 1500 words.
    • AU: Alternate Universe, the same characters in a different world.
    • Crossover: stories that crossover with other shows/fandoms.
    • Darkfic: stories exploring the much darker themes possible but not addressed in canon, and deals with triggering subjects like death,murder, incest, abuse, etc.
    • Episode Specific: stories related to a specific episode.
    • Fluff Fic: stories that are warm and fuzzy.
    • Humor/Parody/Crack: stories written for the sole purpose of humor or parody.
    • Quotes: for stories that were inspired by a quote or quotes.
    • Romance short: stories that include romantic themes; they can be with or without smut. Under 1500 words.
    • Romance long: stories that include romantic themes; they can be with or without smut. Over 1500 words.
    • Smut/PWP: is for stories with no plot, just smut.
    • Song/Lyrics: is for stories where a song or lyrics are used to tell the story or inserted into the fic.
    • Threesome/Moresome: for stories that involve Sylar and Elle plus at least one other character.


    • Best Elle Characterization
    • Best Sylar Characterization
    • Best Other Character in a Sylar/Elle fic

    How to nominate

    There are two ways to nominate a story:
    • Reply to the nominations post - state the category, author, title, and a link to the story. Do not send a link to password sites or members only post. The link should go directly to the story, please .
    • Email nominations to: sylarelle@ymail.com stating the category, author, title, and a link to the story.
    The moderators will be updating the list with the nominations and links to the stories.
    If you have a master list of fics or fics you'd like to be considered for nomination, please post it - or a link to it - in a comment to THIS POST.
    Nominees will be able to grab a banner showing that they had work nominated -- banners will be added soon.
    Once nominations are closed, the voting will begin.

    rules, categories

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