Mar 16, 2006 17:03

OK, I know I'm a very random LJ posted now, but I have to vent.

You know what pisses me off. THIS KIND OF SHIT happening at MY Potter Icon community, potter_elite. My co-mod, Steph (teh_steph/cyber_bard_), who lost interest in helping me mod loooong ago, decided that she was interested in it again. And since I hadn't done adds in a few months, she FUCKING TOOK AWAY MY MAINTAINER/MOD STATUS. IN MY OWN FUCKING COMMUNITY THAT I ASKED HER TO HELP ME MOD!!!!!!!!!!! So, she loses interest, and that place was hard to keep up myself, seeing as how our rules stated that BOTH mods had to accept the applicant. BOTH. Meaning TWO. Meaning ME AND HER.

Just so you all know, I don't care. My life is really busy now, and I don't have time for iconing or even LJ for that matter, as you all know. Not to say I don't miss it.

So anyway, I told her to go ahead and take over, but the shittiest part about all this is what she said to MY community members. "It has come to my attention that this community has not been tended for since I gave up on my modding abilities. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands. sydstar apparently does not want to take care of this community anymore, so she has lost her modding abilities herself."

I "don't want to take care of this community anymore", so you have the right to take away my mod status? That's bullshit. That's fucking bullshit. Gee, maybe you shouldn't have given up on YOUR mod duties, then, and everything would have been fine.

So, yeah, I am pissed. It's the principle of the thing. You at least ask what's going on before you do shit like that. It's just fucking rude.

I should have just closed it down and deleted it when I originally planned to do so.


self righteous bitches, backstabbers

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