Fic In A Box Letter

Aug 24, 2020 11:41

Thank you so much for writing for me! I'm pretty easy to please, honestly, and I look forward to reading what you write! :) My A03 name is SegaBarrett.

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse (but canon or canon compliant references to abuse are fine - just nothing super graphic please; I will try and be more specific in canons where this applies), abortion, eye trauma, situations where disabled people are in danger to get their loved ones to do something, destruction of a person's things, drowning


13 Reasons Why - Bryce Walker & Caitlin Walker, Bryce Walker/Melody Scott, Hannah Baker & Bryce Walker, Justin Foley/Bryce Walker, Solo: Bryce Walker, Tyler Down/Bryce Walker

Uhh... Do I detect a theme here? I feel like S3 set up so much about Bryce and then left a lot unanswered just due to time constraints, so I would love to see these missing pieces, either canon compliant (though please note the drowning DNW) or in a canon divergence of some sort. No explicit non-con for this fandom, though references are fine - with Bryce on either side of things because I am not opposed to the whump.

More specifically -

Bryce & Caitlin: Have they ever met in person? Would Bryce be protective of Caitlin (as per his tape about "protecting people from people like me")?

Bryce/Melody: I thought this was another interesting plot thread that was sadly dropped. Melody seems to think relatively highly of Bryce based on what she said to Clay and Ani - what is their relationship like? Has she been teaching him about consent? Does he even come there for sex, or just for "human interaction" and it's more of a maternal thing?

Hannah & Bryce: Canon divergence is probably the name of the game here. What if they met earlier, before Bryce went all Soul-less Sam in the first place? What if Hannah hadn't killed herself? What if Bryce didn't do the things he did (time travel, Mirror Bryce, etc)?

Justin/Bryce: This is a pairing I love so much. I would like to see a little bit of their relationship over the years, especially before things got twisted and then maybe in s3 when Bryce was trying to turn over a new relief. How much does Bryce know about Justin's home life? Is there something in Justin that Bryce envies, the same way Justin believes it's "easy" for Bryce?

Bryce Walker: S3 whet my appetite for more Bryce content. I want to know more of how he got to be the way he was, and how he might have evolved from his choices in s3 if things had turned out differently. Maybe more Hillcrest and more making amends? More of his past would be interesting as well. Alternatively, I'd be interested in what would have happened in s3 if Bryce, not Tyler, had been Monty's target in the s2 finale.

Tyler Down/Bryce Walker: I loved, loved, loved the brief interactions these two had in s3 and wanted so much more. I think Tyler may have been the one who really opened Bryce's eyes to the evil of what he had done, and Bryce standing up to Monty for Tyler was fantastic. Just, more of these two, please.


/r/AMA AMA (Post + Questions + Replies)

/r/relationships post

Advice Column - Bryce could probably give people some awful... ad-Bryce.

Any Type of Essay

Character Analysis

Character Study



Conspiracy Board

Diary Entries



Excerpts from Character's Journal/Notebook/Sketchbook - Since Bryce has one canonically!

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

In-Universe RPF - I didn't select him, but I would have no problem if the RPF was written by Clay!

In-Universe Social Media

Poetry - Cascade Poem

Poetry - Sestina

Poetry - Villanelle

Rashomon Style Conflicting Narratives

Bates Motel

Caleb Calhoun - Caleb is so the character I did not expect to love. But I want to see more of him in Costa Rica or just drifting, getting into shenanigans with equally shady characters. I just really want to know so much more about him, what goes on in his head and how he relates to others. (Please no non-con with Caleb as aggressor, and no graphic flashbacks to the canonical non-con please.)

Alex Romero & Theresa Reyes - I wished we had gotten a little more of Alex and his mother's relationship. It is implied that Norma reminds him a lot of her, so I would really love to know more of the backstory here.

Norma Bates & Caleb Calhoun - I love these two and their evolving relationship. I would love to see what their sibling relationship would have looked like if Caleb hadn't fled to Costa Rica. How would things have worked out differently? Would they all have gone out bowling together?

Dylan Massett & Caleb Calhoun - Same thing here - I loved their relationship and would just like to see more of it! More crazy gun (or other) runs? Traveling together to Costa Rica? Protecting Norma from some nefarious plot?

Norman Bates & Emma Decody & Jiao - This was a short-lived plot, but it was really interesting! If Jiao lived, it would be great to see these three hanging out, protecting Jiao and solving other creepy White Pine Bay mysteries.

Norma Bates/Alex Romero - They are so sweet together. I just need so much more of them, their love, and Norma learning to trust.


Advice Column

Board Game

Character Analysis

Character Study


Diary Entries



In-Universe Documents

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

In-Universe Social Media

Logic Grid Puzzle

Rashomon Style Conflicting Narratives

Breaking Bad

Jesse Pinkman - I love Jesse so very, very much. I would love something from him post-series, recovering from his scars (physical and mental), with compound flashbacks (or during the compound, if there's a light at the end of the tunnel), though I would also love anything with Jesse at any point in canon if you feel inspired!

Salamanca Family - These guys are all so interesting and I would love to know more of their combined backstory. Which Salamancas have we not seen, as well, and what role do they play? It seems like they all have a lot of loyalty to each other; has this always been the case?

Andrea Cantillo & Brock Cantillo - I love Andrea and Brock. I would love to know more about their backstory! I would also like Andrea to please stay alive, though you can put her in peril if you like.

Jane Margolis & Donald Margolis - Their relationship was so beautiful and sad. I want to know more!

Todd Alquist & Jack Welker - Speaking of interesting family dynamics, I want to know the story about these two. How did Todd end up living with Jack in the first place? What do they think of each other?

Todd Alquist & Jesse Pinkman - Give me that weird compound stuff please! Todd's thoughts toward Jesse are... unique, to say the least. Were there any more "field trips" out of the compound?

Andrea Cantillo/Jesse Pinkman - I ship them. I ship them hard. Please give me all the fluff of these two, or Andrea saving Jesse, or just these two in an ongoing relationship.

Jane Margolis/Jesse Pinkman - I shipped these guys too, not gonna lie. I would like to see more of them together, or what might have happened in the future.

Mike Ehrmantraut/Jesse Pinkman - Mike being there for Jesse is my jam. All the fluff, please. All the fluff.

Max Arciniega/Gustavo Fring - Good times in Chile, please! I want to know how these guys met.

Badger "Brandon" Mayhew/Skinny Pete - They do live together. Do they love each other? I would especially love something around the El Camino time period, but I would love them any time.

Wendy - I want to know what happened to Wendy. I love her.


/r/AMA AMA Post + Questions + Replies

/r/ relationships post

Advice Column

Any Type of Essay

Board Game

Diary Entries

Disciplinary Report

Excerpts from a Character's Journal/Notebook/Sketchbook


In-Universe Magazine/News Article

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

In-Universe Interview

In-Universe Personal Documents

In-Universe Social Media

Official Workplace Documentation

List of things (character) is not allowed to do

r/AmItheAsshole post

Rashomon-style conflicting narratives

Better Call Saul

Mike Ehrmantraut - I love Mike so much. I want to know all about his backstory and his life before and during canon.

Gale Boetticher - I love Gale too! Tell me more. I'd love to see his travels in Thailand and how he got mixed up with Gus in the first place.

Mike Ehrmantraut & Matty Ehrmantraut - I'd love to see Matty's childhood, and Mike's marriage. What was their relationship like when Matty was growing up - were they close? How did Matty decide he wanted to be a cop?

Mike Ehrmantraut & Kaylee Ehrmantraut - I love these guys. I need all the fluff. Or Mike's ghost coming back to give Kaylee advice?

Jimmy McGill/Chuck McGill - Jimmy and Chuck if they decided to settle all their differences in a... different kind of way.

Jimmy McGill & Chuck McGill - Or Jimmy and Chuck in general. I miss Chuck so much. I need their relationship over the years, or even an AU where Chuck lived and maybe got some help and reconciled with Jimmy.

Lalo Salamanca/Nacho Varga - I ship it so hard in any and every way.

Victor & Tyrus Kitt - The henchmen! Where did they come from? I mean, we know the answer to where did they go.


/r/relationships post

/r/legal advice post - Jimmy doing what Jimmy does best. Or, alternatively, Chuck.

/r/AMA Post

Advice Column

Character Analysis

Character Study


Excerpts from Character's Journal/Notebook/Sketchbook - Gale in particular! I love the glimpses we got in 4x4 of BB.


In-Universe Magazine/News Article

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

Legal Documents

Rashomon-Style Conflicting Narratives


Freddie Lounds - I love her and how she will do anything in pursuit of a story, no matter who she has to backstab (even herself) to do it.

Frederick Chilton - And I love this narcissistic jerk too. He's classy and manipulative, but it seems to be over top of a lot of inadequacy issues. I want to know about his past - how did he become a psychiatrist (or psychologist, if we assume the books are correct)? How does he cope after the end of the series? If he had managed to run in s2, where would he have gone?

Frederick Chilton/Freddie Lounds - And of course, what's better than one narcissist than two? Would Freddie come around to being there for Frederick after 3x12?

Frederick Chilton & Freddie Lounds - See above.

Will Graham & Will Graham's Dogs - I just love them. I need this fluff. Will also needs this fluff.




Advice Column

Character Analysis

Character Study


Epistolary - Does Will write to his dogs from Italy?


In-Universe Academic Publication

In-Universe Magazine/News Article

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

In-Universe Tabloid Article - Tattlecrime, anyone?

Logic Grid Puzzle

Rashomon-Style Conflicting Narratives

Recipe Book

How to Get Away with Murder

Frank Delfino/Bonnie Winterbottom - These two broke my heart. The originals! I need them to be happy together, dealing with both their traumas (I'm still mad that the show never addressed what Laurel did to Frank that time, so if you want to go into that, you definitely can! But you don't have to, either.)

Frank Delfino - Frank deserved better, man. Please just give him better.

Frank Delfino & Christopher Castillo - I love Frank and Christopher. He seemed to be taking care of him more than Laurel for a while? This is a cracky idea, but it would be adorable to see Frank open up some kind of a daycare center.

Michaela Pratt - Michaela also deserved better. I'd love to see anything about her.


Action-Figure Packaging Bio


Character Analysis

Character Study


Diary Entries

In-Universe Advertisement - For Frank's daycare. :D

In-Universe Interview

Rashomon-Style Conflicting Narratives

Shopping List

La Reina del Sur

Theresa Mendoza & Fatima Mansur - This friendship, man. I love it so much. Please disregard the million ways my heart was shattered by canon and have these two have good times together.

Soraya & Sheila & Fatima Mansur - The Melilla crew! I want to know all about them.

Lalo Veiga - #JusticeforLalo. I need Lalo's saga

Teresa Mendoza/Patricia O'Farrell - I ship it. I ship it hard (so does Patty). I need their love.

Teresa Mendoza/Oleg Yasikov - I love their relationship. I just need more of it.

Oleg Yasikov & Teresa Mendoza - I can also see it as just a platonic, more paternal relationship. I love Oleg giving Teresa advice!

Fatima Mansur & Mohammed Mansur - See above. I need backstory! What were they up to while Teresa was in prison?

Soraya/Lalo Veiga - See above. All the love for Lalo.


Advice Column - Patty would also give great bad advice, or sometimes good advice.

Board Games


Diary Entires


In-Universe Interview

In-Universe Magazine/News Article

In-Universe Newspaper Article

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

In-Universe Tabloid Article - We do have these in-universe already!

Rashomon-Style Conflicting Narratives

Shopping Lists

Game of Thrones

Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark - I love these two traumatized babies together! I need all of their healing and them taking care of each other. I don't particularly like the end canon had for Theon, so feel free to switch it up!

Ramsay Bolton/Sansa Stark/Theon Greyjoy - This was messed up. Please continue the screwed-up-ery, but with some light at the end of the tunnel (and within DNWs).

Ramsay Bolton - I want to know more about why he is the way he is. Has he ever cared about anybody? How did Roose treat him growing up? How did his mother?

Theon Greyjoy - This poor baby. Just give me him being happy and healing, slowly. Whump and H/C both appreciated.

Ramsay Bolton/Theon Greyjoy - As above, this jacked up pairing! I love it and how poor Theon comes to rely on and fear Ramsay both. (Please note there are canon mentions of animal cruelty from Ramsay and related issues from Theon - I would prefer they not be mentioned. No rat eating please :))


Action Figure Packaging Bio



Fanart - Chibi Theon/Ramsay owns my soul.

In-Universe Psychological Evaluation Report

List of things (character) is not allowed to do

/r/AmITheAsshole post

Rashomon-Style conflicting narratives

The Baby-Sitters Club (TV 2020)

Mary Anne Spier - I love Mary Anne so much, both in the books and in the new show. I'd love to see more exploration of her evolution, relationships, growing confidence in herself and what her goals for the future are.

Mary Anne Spier & Richard Spier - And her relationship with Richard! How has it changed over time? What will it be like when she graduates and goes off to college (or doesn't)?

Members of the BSC - I love 'em all. Give me BSC adventures please, whether expanding on anything in canon (books or shows) or a whole new babysitting quest.


Advice Column

Board Game





Rashomon-Style Conflicting Narratives


Florence Vassy - I love Florence so much. I just want more of her story, both pre, during, and post canon. It would be great to see her ending up as a champion all her own.

Frederick Trumper/Florence Vassy - I ship it, in a weird way. I just want more of these two together and their unusual dynamic.

Frederick Trumper/Anatoly Sergievsky - I also ship this! I think they could both teach each other a thing or too.

Frederick Trumper - Freddie is one of my favorite favorites. I love this brat. I want to know more about him over time. What did he do after the end of the show?

Frederick Trumper & Florence Vassy - And I love their friendship/relationship too. I really need some kind of closure at the end of the show with these guys. Alternatively, backstory or something where they meet up later.


/r/relationships post

Board Game



In-Universe Interview

In-Universe Magazine/News Article

In-Universe Tabloid Article - "Well we can't complain that you've been ignored by the press..."

Rashomon-Style Conflicting Narratives

r/amItheAsshole Post - If Freddie is posting it, the answer is probably yes.


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