Jul 17, 2005 08:52
Yesterday--Emily n Lauren came over around....say 3-3:30. We talked for a little while then we went bowling! That was so fun! Some lady there was confusing. I had asked for three games and she was all apiece or each person. And i said apiece i thought that ment 3 games. but that only ment one. But we decieded to play 2 games insted of three. So we just bought our second game. Me n Lauren tried getting this homer stuffed thing. Lauren got it, and Emily took it! lol it was so funny. I forgot what Emily n Lauren got so if u guys read this comment n let me know! but i know first game i got 68 second game i got 161! Then after the second game it was about 5:30. We came back and babysat my little sister Lauren til 7. Then we act hotdogs, picked up Emily n Laurens skates and my parents dropped us off and Great Skate til 11. We met up with Robbie n Ryan there. We got there and talked for about 15-20 minutes. Then me Emily n Lauren all got our skates on, and then we talked more, and then we skated. Robbie n Ryan played an interesting game. fun fun. Me Emily Lauren talked/sang. lol Then Robbie got something to drink and we all sat down and talked more. wow were just one chatty group! lol. Robbie n Ryan showed us if u put ur finger on a bolt and then a metal. You get an extreme shock. Emily was the first one to do it, then Lauren then I tried it when it wasn't working. Then Emily decided to put her nose on it. lmao. Im not a cool salk kid. I didn't feel the shock. :-/. lol. Then we skated again. That was fun, i liked the music they played. Then we all skated some more. That was pretty much my day yesterday.
I'll update tomarrow about today..lol
I love you Robbie
♥ Sydneyy ♥