Dec 26, 2006 10:29
Ok, this is going to be a long, random, and probably schizophrenic sounding post.
Yesterday was the Orphan's Christmas. OMG, I have the most awesome circle of friends in the history of ever. They rock like geology, so, so very hard. There was beach, ocean (surprisingly that comes with beach), food, friends, presents, drinking games, chocolate, hugs, and everything else that is right with the world. I got the most awesoem presents ever. A photo album from Angelus, that I get to fill with photos of my new family in costumes, Anansi Boys from Riley, A squishy thing that I broke after about 2 minutes from Linette, as well as some magnetic stones, chocolate truffles of awesome from JK, an awesome memory program from Martin that I haven't played yet, and.....
Like, I got to build it, composed entirely from awesome, has fire that lights up, dragon. James Hardie rocks my self centered universe like a rocking thing that rocks hard. Katie and I spent about an hour or so making one of the many types of dragons that you can make from it. There are photos, and when I grab them off of people, I will show you all, and you will bow to the mighty power of the lego dragon of AWESOME.
So the Orphan's Christmas was a raving success. Not nearly enough sleep, but thats what I get for being intoxicated and for having a James in my bed.
Working today, which is interesting. I am starting to get very apathetic towards work, which makes me think that maybe I should have a think about changing careers. I like officey type stuff, so maybe I will start having a look around.
Now that I have got the good side out of the way, it's time for the flipside. I am starting to get very itchy feet here. Maybe it's because things seem to be picking up, and I am scared about them crashing, but I am starting to get that burning desire to move on. Now there is alot in Sydney worth staying for, don't get me wrong. It is a great place, and like I said, I have awesome friends of awesomeness. But I don't know what it is. I am just getting antsy about being here still. That said, I did say I would stay a year, so barring dire circumstances, I think I may stay around. Possibly I should go away for a couple of weeks.
Things with my family are kinda strained right now. Someone let it slip to one of my sisters that I am dating someone, and my grandparents found out and want to meet him. That terrifies the hell out of me. I don't think James would break up with me after meeting my family, but there is still that irrational part of my brain that is screaming that it is a horrible idea.
I think I may go and do some actual work now. I hope you all had wonderful christmases, and I will talk with you all soon.