Jun 13, 2007 21:55
So, let's see, what's happened since last I posted...
I got a shit mark on my english speech on "Blade Runner" because Meersey is a fuck wit and a bias marker.
Today I won the 'People's Choice' award for the speech with the best content. I got a bag of m&m's and a pad with W for Winner on it as a prize. Kinda makes you think doesn't it? Wanker.
Tony has love issues. it makes me laugh because he is so not as desperate as he says he is, just as I suspected.
North and South is shit and I hate Gaskell. Though she's better than Hardy *strangles his 200 year old corpse* Don't you get it Tommy?! Nobody cares about the trees! The rape on the otehr hand deserved more than a four word description! God...
Disco was kinda fun, 'cept that Sally the stupid bitch followed me around the whole night, her BO stench radiating into the air and probably sticking to me...Grr. She also fainted which meant me being the strongest person around with Aaron around I had to carry her to the table, in my Wicked boots...Not an easy feat i tell you.
Got a lot of comments on the boots, everyone thought i was dressed as Jesus and not Orochimaru :P and I scared some little kids, fun fun.
I've written three scenes of my IP, woo go me! It better be as great as everyone expects or Im kinda screwed..Sorry Syd, no 'On Stage' for you. Awww....
I also learnt today how to change analog numbers into binary, or wahtever the terminology is. I was the only one in science who got it. First in the class in the HSC here I come! Not hard when you have a bunch of dead heads to compete with.
Please don't make me stay in orange for anotehr year. I wanna win lotto so I can go to Uni straight away. i need the independance. Seriously.
Love the 69 eyes at the moment and 'Heart Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand)'
Got my p's! Probably already told you that. Woooo first go!
Woo Doctor Who before other Australians! Already seen Torchwood and it's coming to TEN, prrt too little too late.
Need a gottie like seriously.
Need a personal motivator to get the brain to work to full capacity. See I almost wrote compacity instead. Fool!
That's all.
P.S. Missing Sid. xoxo Woooda!
p's meersey award