Title: What Might Have Been: Catalyst
Author: Nightshade sydneylover150
Rating: T for Teen
Disclaimer: I’m a poor grad student in the field of mental health, do you really believe that I would be poor and struggling to pay off loans if I owned these two wonderful characters? Trust me, I wouldn’t! ;
Beta: Thank you to Charmedlily for betaeing this story!!!
A/N: Please read and review. Flames will be laughed at and constructive criticism will be welcomed with open arms.
Movie dialogue/actions
Without futher ado, on with the story!!!
Severus felt the corners of his lips turn up into the beginnings of a smile. ‘Ah, so it is the name and the fact that he is being apologized to that is confusing him. Thought I wonder why Mr. and Mrs. Evans never apologized to the child before.’ This caused Severus to pause. ‘ Surely they have not grown to be intolerant in their old age.’
“As rare as an occurrence it may be, Henry, I am capable of apologizing when I am at fault. It is for that reason that you have received an apology, despite the somewhat rude behavior on your part. Never the less, you have already been punished for that and I find it is obligation to admit my fault in the entire affray.” Severus stated calmly as he looked into the boy’s eyes. The boy was having difficulty keeping their eyes locked but every time he faltered he would recover.
“As for the name, that was the name your mother gave you when you were born.” Severus stated lightly when he saw Henry’s head go down for the fifth time. With those words, the boy’s head shot up and his eyes were searching Severus’.
“You… you knew my mother sir?” Henry managed to stammer out after trying a few times.
Snape could not help chuckling a little, the boy was so enthusiastic! “Yes I did. She was my best friend before and for most of our time at Hogwarts.”
Pausing a moment and deciding what else he wanted to tell the boy, who was staring at him with rampant fascination. “We had a bit of a falling out our fifth year due to a failure on my part, but before you were born, we had mended our fences and were the best of friends once more.”
He watched the emotions crossing the boy’s face, he was startled to see hope and desperation cross that young boy’s face. ‘Why….’
Then the boy spoke. Rather he begged. “Please sir, could you tell me about my mother. I only know the little that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon told me and Hagrid only mentioned her in passing in reference to my father. Please sir could you tell me about my mum?”
‘He knew my mom! He can tell me about her!’ Harry did not even care now what the professor called him as long as the man told him about his mother. In fact, for some odd reason he found the name Henry slightly soothing and almost familiar. ‘He did say that mum named me that, so it is quite plausible that was what she called me.’
Snape was more than surprised. ‘Why would the Evans not talk about Lily. She was… wait… did he say that Petunia told him about his mother… Why would Petunia and her husband… I remember the man, Lily hated him and stated that ‘he was the worst kind of muggle’... tell the boy about his parents if he is living with the Evans?’
Severus felt an unpleasant knot growing in his stomach as he quickly mentally reviewed the boy’s behavior and what he had seen during the feast. ‘Please let me be jumping to unreasonable conclusions….’
“Of course I can. Later this evening, you can feel free to come down to my office and I will show you some pictures and tell you more about her.” Snape replied gently to the boy. “Could you tell me what your grandmother and grandfather told you about your mother?”
Severus felt the knot grow when he watched Henry’s face grow confused once more. ‘Please, please tell me that Dumbledore did not lie to me about where the child was placed.’
“Grandmother and grandfather sir?”
“Yes, the people you live with Henry.” Snape replied as the knot in his stomach grew larger.
“I live with my Aunt and Uncle, sir. I did not even know I had other relatives.” The boy replied earnestly and sadly. That only caused the knot to fester further in the professor’s stomach.
“Your aunt and uncle? Petunia Evans and Vernon Dursley, is that correct?” Warning bells started to go off in Severus head as he stated those names.
“Yes sir.” The boy paused, “Do I really have other relatives, sir?”
“Yes… At least I believe you do. I have not been informed that your grandparents had died, so as far as I know you have other relatives.” Snape replied to his student. The way the boy had asked about his grandparents caused the Head of Slytherin to slip into his training as a mind healer as he had done so many times for members of his own house.“Why is it that you ask?”
Henry paused before answering and for a moment he seemed hesitant before what Snape could only call a mask went up and Henry answered. “For no reason sir. Just curious.”
By this time Severus was fully entrenched in the mindset that something was very wrong here. “May I ask how Petunia and Vernon treat you, Henry?”
Again the boy paused and for a brief moment the mask fell and Severus witnessed fear and hesitancy. “Just as well as to be expected sir, being that I was an unexpected burden to them.”
If Snape had not been in abuse counselor mode already, he would have been from the boy’s phrasing. ‘He referred to himself as a burden. He was wearing ratty shoes yesterday. Petunia what have you done?’
“Surely, Petunia would not have found her only nephew to be a burden? You are in fact her only sister’s son.” Severus stated.
‘Why is he asking me this?’ Harry thought to himself, as he subconsciously wrapped his hands around his middle. ‘No one cares what my life at home is like. Surely they know anyways, don’t they?’
‘You need to trust him.’ A voice called in his mind. ‘Lying will only make things worse.’
‘So will telling the truth.’
The next reply that Henry gave Severus surprised the older wizard and confirmed his wildest worries.
“I am not supposed to talk about it sir.”
Snape felt his illusions and assumptions fall and crash to the floor of his mind. ‘No, not Lily’s child. Please tell me that he did not have a childhood like my own.’
“Why not, Henry?”
“Because they always find out and they always get mad.” Henry said almost subconsciously, “Then there is no food and only the cupboard.”
Right after he spoke, Henry’s hand came up to his mouth in horror.
‘Please tell me I did not just tell my professor what I think I just told him.’ Harry thought to himself.
Snape closed his eyes and swallowed. His own mask was slipping and his emotions were starting to run rampant. He needed to get control before he did anything else. Once he felt a semblance of control, he opened his eyes. He knew what he had to do next.
“Come with me Henry.” Snape stated as he got up slowly and moved to Henry’s side of the table.
“Please don’t tell them I told you sir. I promise I will do anything, if you just….”
“You don’t need to beg Henry. I am just taking you to the infirmary to make sure that you are physically healthy.”
“Why sir, it is not like the Dursley’s abused me or anything.”
“Neglect, and that is what it sounds like it was Henry, is a form of abuse.” Snape said softly, before slowly extending his hand out to his young student. “Come with me, I will inform your next professor once we reach the infirmary that you will be missing your next class.”
“Why are you doing this sir?” Henry whispered so softly that Snape barely heard it. “Adults never believe me.”
Snape smiled sadly. “I believe you Henry. Come with me child. I have a lot to tell you.”
He reached out his hand once more. This time a small, eight-year-old sized hand grasped his own as the boy stood up.
“I should not have told you. Only weak people tell.”
“No, only strong people are willing to tell. The weak are the ones who commit the acts.” Snape stated softly as they started to walk out of the potions lab. Harry’s hand was still within Snape’s own.
The child was quiet for most of the walk to the hospital wing, as was Snape. Both had a lot to think about.
‘I need to get him out of that house. There is no way that those wards are strong if the child is being neglected.’ Snape thought to himself. ‘Odd it is to think that earlier today I suspected that the child was a spoiled brat like his father, now my beliefs are totally the opposite.’
When the two of them reached the hospital, Henry seemed hesitant.
“Have you ever been to a doctor before Henry?”
“No sir.” There was a pause, “At least, I don’t believe so sir.”
Snape smiled truly this time. The boy was so polite, while probably have some tendencies of his father, he appeared to be a good boy. “You do not have to call me sir when we are alone and on personal terms Henry, you can call me Severus, but only when we are alone.”
“Yes sir… Severus.” Henry stumbled a bit over the foreign name.
“Very good, Henry.” Severus said with a nod. Henry nodded and stared at the doors in front of them. Snape noticed the nervousness. “It will be alright Henry. I will be with you.”
Henry nodded and took a deep breath. He got ready to fix his mask back in place, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Do not. Just be yourself Henry. No masks.”
Harry stared at the older wizard briefly. This man was so different and, at the same time, so a like what people said about him it was scary. Harry realized that the man was slightly eccentric, perhaps that explained his slightly greasy appearance, but he was passionate and if not kind, at least noble and good in his own way.
Harry found that he enjoyed the man calling him Henry. The name lacked the harshness that the professor had previously instilled into his last and first name. Perhaps it was best to allow the older man to continue to call him that. For some reason it seemed right when the older wizard called him by that name. Harry had a feeling that his mother, though he did not have any memories of her, would approve Professor Snape’s… Severus’ use of the name and that he was helping him.
Snape watched the boy as he appeared to be lost in thought. “It is alright to be scared. No matter what your housemates may say, bravery is not the lack of fear but acting despite it.”
“I am not scared. I am just thinking about what you call me and how odd it is that you believe me.”
Severus looked into the eleven-year-old’s eyes. ‘Perhaps there is more to this Gryffindor then I have even taken into account up until now.’
“Of course there is,” Henry said cheekily, finally feeling comfortable around the professor. “That was not the first house that the hat wanted to sort me into….”
Snape raised his eyebrow at that, “Such cheek. We will discuss that little statement later, after you have seen Madam Pomfry and I have seen the headmaster about where you will live in the future. There is a group I would like you to be a part of in my own house, but it will require some cunning on both of our parts to make it work. Do you understand?”
“I think so sir, but you may need to clarify it for me later.” Henry replied respectfully.
“I will do so.” Snape swiftly answered.
“Thank you.” Henry stated steadily. Upon seeing Severus questioning look, he clarified himself. “For not only believing me, but for helping me and being willing to tell me about my mum.”
“I am quite willing to help you Henry, I just ask that you do not lie to me about anything.”
Henry looked at Severus and Snape felt as if the boy was evaluating not only his words but also his very soul. “I believe I understand why sir and I will do my best.”
Snape nodded. “I am sure you will, as you will do your best in all your other subjects.”
“Am I allowed sir?”
“Are you allowed to do what, Henry?”
“Am I allowed to do my best sir?”
“Of course Henry.” For what seemed liked the hundredth time today, Snape felt the ice around his heart break as it clutched in commiseration for the boy and his situation. This was not to say that Severus pitied the boy; he didn’t. But he could understand and empathize. “Your mother would expect you to do the best that you can do. As do I.”
“You weren’t fond of my father, were you sir.” Upon Snape’s startled look, Henry ventured on with his train of thought. “You always mention my mom, but do not discuss my dad.”
Snape nodded slowly, surprised at the boy’s insight and deduction. ‘I suspect I know what house the hat wanted to place him in. Now I must endeavor to foster those traits within the boy, while allowing him to follow his own choice.’
Looking down at the boy, he smirked internally. ‘That does not mean that I will not do my best to try and influence him into resorting or becoming more Slytherin like.’ Nobility is overrated.
“You are correct Henry… we were not fond of each other.” Snape said lightly, “But I cared for your mother very much. As I stated, she was, and still is in my heart, my best friend.”
Henry nodded. “It is okay if you call me Henry. It might confuse my friends, but I kinda like it.”
Snape realized the boy was attempting to give him a concession for the information he had given his student. He nodded and smirked, “I was planning on it anyways.”
"I figured sir… Severus.”
"Are you ready to go into the infirmary now at last brat?”
Henry paused for a moment and Severus wondered if he had pushed the boy too far. Then a grin appeared on the boy’s face which transformed into his own version of a smirk. “Yes Sev.”
“Such cheek.” Snape said with a shake of his head, but his eyes were warm and a smirk was on his face reassuring the boy that he was not in trouble.
As they entered, the boy had one more question to ask. “Did she really name me Henry?”
Snape looked down at the boy, “Yes. Your full name, according to your mother, is Henry James Servatius Potter.”
As they entered, a peculiar sound was heard by students down the hall from the infirmary, the sound of deep, rich, and baritone laughter after an exclamation of “Hey that sounds like your name!”
The End