Dammit. Tomorrow (today, Feb 9th) our Senators will have a conscience vote on the availability of RU 486, which is a drug that induces chemical abortion. They will decide whether the legality of RU 486 is decided by the Health Minister, or by an independent medical body, which is the usual body by which pharmacutical drugs are made legal.
However, for people waivering: This isn't just about the morality of abortion, this is whether or not the availablity of one tablet is put in the hands of a biased, Pentecostal, Christian politician, or an impartial health body that bases their decisions on what is best for the health of Australian women.
Look. Women have abortions. Women seek abortions. Before abortion was legal, they maimed themselves trying to terminate pregnancies. Surgical abortion is available now. However, for country women, women who have to travel long distances to get to an abortion provider, this drug could save them from having to travel so far, and save them from hurting themselves.
Please, put aside your personal morality regarding this issue, and think of the health of Australian women.
You can contact your local Senator via the
Get Up campaign.
Don't let Australia become like America, due to indifference.
[EDIT] Um, sorry peoples. This post is quite emotive, and badly worded. It's annoying to have politics and opinions just thrown in your faces. So, I apologise. A one line post pointing the link out to people would have sufficed.