Jan 08, 2008 20:47
I had an interview with the local H&R Block tonight. It took an hour, partly because I had to fill out an application and partly because the woman who interviewed me talked a lot. :) At first the place didn't feel very friendly, but as I sat around waiting for the interviewer to return, it started to grow on me a bit. It seems to have a core of her family members: her son-in-law works there, and her husband will be coming in in a few weeks to help out with the newbies. Turns out she prefers to hire one person for the whole M-F 4-9 Sat 9-5 stint, but will break it into two if necessary. I'm opposed to the full-day Saturday, myself. But we'll see what she says. She said the wage starts at 'training wage', or $8.50/hr, and will increase as she sees how well you pick up the work. Haven't heard from the church yet.
I'm also attempting to complete a writing test for an at-home freelance copywriter position. It's a bit weird, writing these headlines for things. After a while I started to feel false, the material began to seem cheezy to me. I'm taking a break from it now. It's due Wednesday, though the advert only ran on Sunday. I've come to realise that that's probably by design: they want to see how quickly you can turn out quality headlines and whatnot. It's daunting, not a perfect fit by any means, but it is a writing job. And it's a work from home job, which is an extra bonus.