Mar 14, 2007 22:57
I hate it when a fleet officer asks for help with a pillage, waits until I've got a station, then uses the order command twice in twelve seconds to tell me to do another station. It takes a few seconds for a human being to notice they've been ordered, leave the station they're on, and move to another station. Apparently this FO is too used to dealing with bots. I stayed long enough to finish one battle, then:
Joyeaux officer chats, "I'm out of here. Advice, [piratename]: people are not bots.
You can use your words with us. Two: patience is a virtue.
Children. Of whatever age they are. They make me angry. I wish I could subscribe to Cobalt so I could play with a decent crew. I'll be sure to mention this to our crew liaison next time I get on.
Moon Time in T-minus Any Day Now.