This afternoon I heard a loud chirping from the front yard. We have a lot of birds about, so I didn't think much of it. Every thirty seconds or so it would cheep. After an hour or so I decided to look outside to see if I could see what bird it was. I found a young robin in the garden, hopping around, cheeping occasionally. I could get very close to this little guy, and I was concerned that the local bird-killing cat would get him come morning. I took a few pictures of him, managed to steer him away from the street, and looked on the 'net and called
arcadian72 for advice. Eventually I decided to leave him alone -- he might have gotten kicked out of the nest and just didn't know what to do.
arcadian72 seemed to think the parents were around nearby to keep an eye on him. I went back over to "talk" to him -- he was hiding in a nice thick bush our neighbors have -- when I heard what sounded like an adult robin up in the back. The little bird came out and took off across our backyard into the apple tree up back. I hope he found his mom!
Little Robin 1
Little Robin 2
Today's high temperature: 78-ish
Stinkbug ejection count: 9