I'm not ready.

Apr 07, 2010 08:30

It's time. I need to put The Man away for awhile. I was pondering submitting it for a late April deadline, but it's not ready. And to be honest, I'm not ready yet, either. I'm scared that by the time I am ready, submissions will be closed or something. But, if that's the case, then that's just not the way I'm supposed to go about it. Fate is, after all, something that I believe plays a heavy hand in all of life's occurrences.

This means that I can finally get into writing Empty Houses. It's been fermenting for long enough that I can write and do it justice, I think. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'll find that I need to write some short stories. I'm not sure about all of that. All I am sure about is that The Man needs to go to sleep for awhile.

As of Sunday, everyone in my critique group will have read it. My mom has read it. I have loads of great feedback, and I know what I need to do. But it's not going to happen properly unless I give it a bit of time to breathe. I love this story and want it done right. I want to take good care of it and nurture it to its full potential.

So, now it's time to get writing. I've been missing it, to be honest. My backspacing pinkie is tired and the rest of my fingers have been itching to produce new stories. It feels good to give in to them.
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