I have the first solid lead on a job in like...two years.
It's a part-time job with a fuzzy job definition. I'd be working for the local symphony in PR/Marketing/Sales/Advertising. I'd set my own hours. Be able to work from home when needed and have my own office when I wanted to work there.
I have several friends on the board. People who respect me. Know what I'm capable of. They've actually considered creating the position for years. My choir director's the one that actually made them take action and do it. He told me he did it just to give me a chance to get my foot in the door.
I'm woefully underqualified.
I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.
Oh. God. I just sent off my resume.
I'm all shaky and totally feel like I'm going to hurl.
There is no worse feeling than whoring yourself for a job.