I wrote these to escape the futuer-Gus series fic that I'm totally blocked on. For some reason, I keep making the Mommies sound as whiny as bad!fic Mikey. I think I'm projecting my own anger at them for pulling apart such a tight knit family on such a whim.
I was actually kind of surprised at the lack of fic out there about how Brian was handling the loss of Gus. It seems the fandom is so focused on the Justin moving to NYC part that people forgot that Gus is too young to be able to fly back to see his Dad whenever he wants.
And could CowLip be any more cruel than to take away Justin, Lindz, and Gus?
You make a great point. While I adore any "In Character" B/J fic that reunites them, some of my fave has turned out to be future Gus fics--especially where B & G develop a solid father/son relationship. Hope you can get over your block soon! :)
Thanks. I did manage to have a light bulb moment last night. I've got about six chapters done.
...especially where B & G develop a solid father/son relationship.
That's exactly what I'm working on. I'm basing Gus off of this really sweet little boy I taught a few years back. He sort of lost himself when his parents split. Totally broke my heart.
Comments 17
I wrote these to escape the futuer-Gus series fic that I'm totally blocked on. For some reason, I keep making the Mommies sound as whiny as bad!fic Mikey. I think I'm projecting my own anger at them for pulling apart such a tight knit family on such a whim.
I was actually kind of surprised at the lack of fic out there about how Brian was handling the loss of Gus. It seems the fandom is so focused on the Justin moving to NYC part that people forgot that Gus is too young to be able to fly back to see his Dad whenever he wants.
And could CowLip be any more cruel than to take away Justin, Lindz, and Gus?
Thanks. I did manage to have a light bulb moment last night. I've got about six chapters done.
...especially where B & G develop a solid father/son relationship.
That's exactly what I'm working on. I'm basing Gus off of this really sweet little boy I taught a few years back. He sort of lost himself when his parents split. Totally broke my heart.
I love your angst and your Brian mmmmmm.
I love these. Justin squeaking and Brian weeping.
love love love
You have been missed.
I'm glad you liked it. :D
I am working on more. I have one more almost too long to be a ficlet in the works. More Gus. More angst. More crayons. LOL!
Did you get my e-mail about your website????
I did, however get several informational emails about enlarging my cock and invitations to pr0n sites.
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