What If

Jul 13, 2010 13:50

What If
[60 Drink]
Sydney Alexis

Music filled the place, giving it a pulse, a life. The sweaty crowd twined and danced, too transfixed with each other to notice the near silent observer on the balcony above.

Gus watched heartsick as his best friend entice his latest trick.

How utterly ridiculous that he, the child of Babylon's once king, would fall into the role of pseudo-uncle, Michael -- destined to be in love with a friend who only thought of him platonically, to drink his fill from a distance, resigned to never being good enough.

Below, the two figures left the floor. Gus slammed his eyes shut in jealousy not wanting to see them disappear into the backroom. The hurt tearing through him once again even after all these nights spent watching.

His father and Justin found it amusing, but Michael... Michael had always understood. He'd always been there to quietly murmur that things had worked out for him in the end. But, Gus thought bitterly, as good a man as Ben was, there was always a part of Michael that would wonder 'what if.'

[fanfic100 74/100]
[Big Box of Everything]
The mood stuck me to write and this followed. I will eventually finish the 100 challenge, but I'm more like the turtle than the hare. ;)

qaf fic, angst, 100

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