Jun 17, 2003 02:15
So, I'm bored...might as well post some crap! Not like anyone ever reads this *chuckle*
Okay. So. Graduated from High School... AGAIN. Good ol' Canadian System. My fifth (and final) year of High School is behind me... thank god for small mercies.
I scrapped by, just barely. Didn't do much homework wise- don't know why. Suppose I'm just so tired of the High School thing- and having my supposed freedoms that a normal OAC would get (Spares etc.) instead I not only have them refused, but was treated like a five year old. My character on the MUCK might enjoy being treated like a child, but I don't. Sure- yes, if someone's reading this, they may look at my great old age of 19 and think 'Kid'. That's fine- but when I have to sign three different pieces of paper and get teachers to fill in the times of arrival and departure to spend 15 minutes in the library, I get a bit ticked.
Bah- enough angsty crap. Graduation was interesting. Got my Canadian diploma handed to me (Which I earned last year) and my U.S diploma. Two High School diplomas...only if I had marks I could be proud of.
Touching letters were read outloud- written by parents about their pride. My father spoke of my mother... and several people have offered their condolences... I hate that. It doesn't help. You don't know the situation, or my mother- and I'm the one that didn't die of cancer. One of the people, interestingly enough was a teacher whom I mentioned to earlier in the year that my mother had passed on. She said she wasn't aware of the situation and offered her condolences. bullshit. You just forgot the situation.
Arg. I don't know why- I'm just irate over this. Supposed to be talking of the freedom of no longer going back to high school...instead I go off on angsty tangents. Perhaps the folf is right...before I find out, I'm stopping this...
Why are you still reading this?
I said I was going to stop.
Turn back
Nothing to see here
I mean it
You stupid or something?
Congrats for wasting even more of your time on this... ;)