Knee Injury

Feb 17, 2007 10:23

Don't worry too much guys but yes, I hurt my knee last night. I went sledding with Brendan, Emmett, Seamus and Sam. It was tons of fun. We went to the Brooklyn middle school. For those that don't know there's a hill, a straightaway, another hill, another straight away and another hill and at the very bottom of the hill there's a fence so you have to put your feet out to stop yourself from getting hurt. Brendan and I shared a sled at one point and we went right under the fence. It was awesome! lol

I also have a huge bruise on my arm because I slammed it into the corner of one of the dugouts . . . oops. It's gonna be a sweet bruise though.

Oh yeah, so my knee . . .

We were done sledding and I went to do some jumping jacks to warm up and my knee gave out. For those that don't know, I have a partial dislocation in my knees from dancing when I was younger and then not doing anything physical for a while so if I do a lot of strenuous activity with my legs (like walking up icy hills with a sled) and then bounce around (like when I do jumping jacks) my knees give out sometimes.

The funniest part was trying to figure out how Brendan, Emmett and I could all fit in Brendan's truck while still keeping my leg up. I sat sideways in the passenger seat with Emmett on my lap and my legs on Brendan's lap while he drove. It was cozy. lol

We went to Kyle's house afterwards and watched tv. He made us some tea and gave me some ice to put on my knee. He also made me and Emmett peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches. It was delicious.

We went home afterwards and Brendan was amazing. He helped me get around, he took off and put on my shoes . . . he was such a gentleman. <3

Well, that's it for now. Peace out boy/girl scouts!
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