
Feb 06, 2004 18:43

This is an interview I got from Jordan's (jordansmuse ) mun.

1) If you could do one mission you've had over, what would it be and why?

I would pick…the mission in Paldiki. The reason being that I was stuck between a rock and a hard place a few times. The first being either leave and not get caught, but leave the antidote behind and let Vaughn die. Then after that it was either let my suit decay and my skin burn away or join Sark and help him to kill Sloane. I still feel like I made the right decision but…At the time I didn’t know that Sark only wanted to use me as a pawn to get Sloane to agree to join forces. I really thought he was going to die and I still went along with it.

2) Would you change anything about your life as it is now? If so, what would that be?

That’s the easiest thing I think I’ve ever been asked in my life. Yeah I would sure as hell change something. Those two years I was missing. The fight that led up to them. I would change the past so that I hadn’t passed out immediately after the fight. I could have stopped them from taking me. But as I was uncouncious at the time…It didn’t really work.

3) If you knew that what's happened to you as a spy would happen, would you still have done it?

You bet I would have. Everything that’s happened in my life has made me into the person I am and has made me stronger. Plus if I hadn’t been recruited I wouldn’t have met the people I know now and I would never have found out that my mom didn’t really die and that she was really a part of the KGB.

4) You knew an innocent person was about to be executed for something a family member did. Do you allow that person to be executed or do you come forward, even if anonymously? Why?

I don’t know…it depends on the circumstances.

5) If you could choose any place to live for the rest of your life, where would that be and why?

Right where I am now. LA. I have everyone I care about here near me and that’s all I need.
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