Jun 05, 2005 10:36
Hello again all. As you can tell, another jump in dates as this becomes updated. To shed a bit of light, I found out that said kid works at Kazu Sushi ( the most awesome little japanese resturant EVEA!!) and his name is Sean.
However my infatuation with him became dismal a while back. Not so much on the part of him, but on the part of me; and unexpectence.
I began talking again with a very close internet friend of mine about a month ago. His name is Randy and we've known each other through Rping and IMing for the last 5 years. I'm currently with him, and we are all a flutter. And yes, we even share those 'Omg, lovey lovey googey love goo' moments. (Anyone get that?)
Also in the news is that I will be attenting Anime Festiaval Orlando (AFO) 6 this year. It takes place August 5th, 6th, and 7th at the Wynham Resort and Hotel off Internation Blv.- the same place it took lace last year. The 3 day pass is 35 dollars if you pre-register, and rooms are $103. If you choose to go only 1 day, the priceis a bit cheeper, but each day has its own fair.
To anyone of my friends out there, if you think you wold be able to save up and take off these days; then by all means let me know. If you would like to acconpany me, then all you will need to worry about is the cost of the pass, and money for looting. You won't have to worry about room cost. It'll be on me. :3 PhantomBulma thinks she may be able to go... If any of you other guys think you might be able to go, then give me a shout.
lastly is that I am getting very upset over a situation a friend is in. Currently she is stuck in a house with her ex-boyfriend, who is trying to control her and keep her there, and she doesnt want to be there. She gave up someone special to her because the lastest thing the Ex did was threaten to kill himself if she left. To me that's low, complete BS and she shouldn't have to put up with that kinda shiz. So to apeese him, she said she stay; but I know her- and I know she's got to be very damn misrable right now. I want so much to get the law involved, because her Ex has also don't some pretty asinie things to her, such as limit her from certain activities, suposedly locked her in a closet and a few other things. I'm worried. And ths I will find away to help her out of this.
With that, I take my leave. I must be off for work.
Take care all my friends. My love, luck and lollipops be with you. (Heheh, ;p)