According to my spam mail this morning, every man must have a sex. MUST!!! Bwahaha. Seriously, dear spam people, thanks for brightening my mornings like that. XD
In completely unrelated news, I just found Teh Cutest drawings of Don and Charlie you can possibly imagine (Charlie in an oversized Santa cloak, Don wearing fake antlers, squee!). If you're interested, head over
here and if you like them, don't forget to let
midnighta know. Cause feedback is love, and I want her to draw more cuteness.
To do list for today looks as follows:
+ comments (incl. contest voting)
+ Numb3rs icon post (dude, I haven't had the graphics bug this bad since... well, it's been a while)
+ kinda sorta beta Numb3rs fic (1/2)
- finish a certain graphic; make post concerning said graphic, including 'all I know about...'
- write fic?
+ possibly go running before it's dark outside (Had a nice run until daylight faded into the Blue Hour. It became beautiful then.)