Oct 07, 2009 16:28
Someone sent me a request on Facebook to "Allow God in School." I would normally just delete that kind of shit, but instead decided to respond. This is what I wrote:
You sent me a request to "allow God in School"??!?!?! Not only is that the most ignorant idea anyone could ever have about improving the education system, but it simply offensive!!! And which God? The Jew god, the christian god, the muslim god, or how about all the religions that have multiple gods? Are they included too? Beside the obvious fact that Christianity is not the only religion in the world, it should be noted that it is one of the more oppressive, dangerous, and non-progressive ones. We had religion become head of state once. That period of time is known as The Dark Ages. This was the same time as another great move of acculturation and flat out heinousness known as The Crusades (and don't forget about the Children's Crusades either). I won't even go into how these events murdered and enslaved thousands of people, or how tons of ancient text and books were destroyed because they simply didn't coalesce with the Christian god... What is interesting is that if you actually look into the history of christianity you will find nothing to be proud of. You will also find that the story of christ is a plagiarized story that has been retold for centuries prior. It was a tool that was used by the Romans to gain control. The story of Christ actually has more in common with describing astrological events then being a story that is taken as fact. We don't still think that the reason we have fall and winter is because Persephone has to go back to the Underworld right? It is just unbelievable that people take these stories as fact when anyone with half an education would know they are just stories. Only children think they are real.
I think that someone's spirituality and faith is a private thing. That one's relationship with god should have NOTHING to do with man. That way we wouldn't have fascist assholes that are suppose to be heads of churches telling people what THEIR agenda is under the guise that it is god's will. I seriously doubt god has a problem with homosexuality, abortion, stem-cell research, muslims, evolution, space exploration, witchcraft, or oil mineral rights. But I know a quite a few men who do, and say "it is god's will." Do you know how many stupid people have sat back and allowed enormous atrocities to occur simply because some asshole told them it was god's will?
Kids should go to school to learn. God is NOT something that is learned. Religion is incompatible with education. In fact I think those words mean the opposite of each other. I don't mean to come down on you but wtf? My last name is on here as Heresy and under religious views I'm down as an Athiest. Maybe you just sent it to random people, but what a horrible cause to send to people. You might want to also send a request to "Allow Racism in School." They are basically the same thing. I'm sure you're a nice person and all, but I really hope you find something more worthwhile to support.
separation church and state schools god