So i watched the
Extended Eddition of the movie Dune and I believe it is my favorite. The motherfiucker's nearly 3 hours long so I think it's not too bad. I would KILL for a workprint of that movie, but I'd need it to be good quality so that it didn't ruin me.
I'm must say that Dune is one of my all-time favorite movies!!! Here's what makes this movie DOPE:
-the opening scene for the Extended Eddition has the illistrated history with the naration which is truely amazing! It incorporates so much of the Dune legacy that really shows humanity
-The casting is AWESOME!!! There's so much about it that I keep thinking, "I wouldn't have it any other way...."
-The lights levitate and follow people around!!! They have fucking wings too! WTF?!?!?!?
-Three words: THE VOICE EFFECT! That is one of those sound designing tricks that eludes me. It's so fucking awesome!!!! I must do it some day !
-The sheer fucking beauty of the Sets and Constumes! i mean, it takes the feudal \ system and gives it an outfit! I love it!
-The Reverse Mo-hawks on the harkonens!
-the creepy Gieger-ish set designs. i know that he was brought it to do conceptual and set designs, but his shit was too rediculous. The spice miners had SKuls on the front!!!
-Sean Young
There's a ton more, but I'm fucked up. i encourage all to post a fact about that movie that really ties in. I mean it doesn't have to be th new Extended Eddition; i'm just curious.