[REVIEW] 96 heures - GOOD

Apr 25, 2014 19:58

French movie.

Another huis-clos (and even with one of the actors that played in Diplomatie, whom I'm growing to really like). Three years before a cop put away a gangster who had committed a hold-up six months prior, but the money wasn't recovered and three goons managed to escape. Now, they've contrived to break their leader out of prison and to kidnap the cop - and the leader, who has 96 hours before his evasion will be really noticed and he has to be out of the country, is determined to force the cop to reveal who the informant that lead to his capture was.

Mostly, we're in the house with those five men, two of whom are playing mind game with each other, one of whom is faithfully loyal to his leader and the other tow that are a bit more unpredictable. Outside, we see three women, the cop's wife, scared into not saying anything, the cop's partner, worried that he did not come and get her at the end of her important exam, and the ganster's daugther, who has ambivalent feelings about her father. The ganster's grandson is also around, mostly oblivious to the tension in the adults around him.

The movie itself is very good. All the questions that arise during it are answered at the end.
The women talk to each other, but only about men, which makes sense in the context of the movie. They all rock, in their own way, though.

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