Aug 27, 2006 10:35
I finally have dish, but still hate them immensely.
A few weeks ago, I ordered dish, from my cell phone, for my place, with my social security number, and credit card info. My credit report wasn't good enough for them, and they needed a cosigner, or so they said, so I went on a search for someone who could fill the build. When I called my dad, and he worked, I was very happy. The first time they said there was an opening was the 20th, but the guy setting it up told me if I kept calling back daily, I'd probably get an earlier date.
Thats when the fun started. I called back two days later, because the first day we went up to get stuff from john's place. My appointment was on the 22nd,and so I talked to a customer care person and he said there was no margarete (pronounced margar-eat) sarro (sorrow) on the account. A few seconds later he says, oh wait we have a margarett serro though. I correct him and he asks, "Oh yes, Margarett, what can we do for you?" So I ask him to either change my appointment to the 19th, 20th, 26th, or 27th, because I had class on the 22nd. He said it was changed.
Next time I call, its still on the 22nd. But now, I'm not even on the account, my dad is the only one on the account. I try to get it changed to the 26th. Next day its on the 22nd again. And on and on it went, until I finally got the automated system to give me the right date. I was also told that the name couldn't be changed until the workorder was completed.
The guy shows up yesterday, and says, well if my dad isn't here he can't do it, unless we change the name, so I finally call my dad. He calls in, and although not using my phone, they dont ask him anything about himself for verification, and I get added on easily.
I still wanna know though, if I had no access to the account that I set up, for my appartment with my phone, why would I pay for the service? If it weren't for dish being the only decent service in Pullman, I would have canceled the account, or at least had my dad do it for me.