I'm not applying for Zacharias in
da_rpg because
erinmiran is, and that's frankly a huge relief. I'm just not cut out for RPGload. It's stressful. Wah. If anybody catches me so much as eyeing another RP, they are to cut off my fingers so that I can't ever apply for a new one again.
All day I've been trying to access
civilitas so that I can write Rita's reply to Crouchy. I haven't managed it yet. I'm so terrible ^^
I crashed really early last night -- around midnight and a quarter -- and didn't get out of bed today until, like, 2. I vacuumed a bit, and that's about all I've done. Other than some laundry. The loitermen came to house around 9 AM today (I know because dog barked like hell and woke me up). I still hate having them around. It bugs me that I'm uncomfortable wlaking around my own house because I'm afraid of the big bad man who's reading in my front yard. (He stopped reading when he saw me come downwstairs and started moving my furniture. O_o I still haven't quite figured out his purpose.) I was pleased to see that it wasn't the old Ukranian guy, though. It was a strapping young hot dude. Mm. Of course, I'm wearing shorts that expose my yettified poison oak legs and look basically like a train wreck, but still. He's cute. Err, don't quite know where I'm going with that. Just sharing. Yup.
I'm very upset with my schedule. I wish I left on Sunday. Can't go see
alphariza and give her confidence coffe because I'll be in a car driving somewhere. Blah. For my RP's (
leviosarpg and
civilitas, mainly), could I get somebody who's willing to take over charas? I'd love
non_existent_ or
vanillacrystal to hop on for the Leviosans, but I've no idea who to ask to do Rita for me. I'll be gone for two weeks. She'll need to be active in that time.
Argh, I have so much to do. Tomorrow I'll be reading my 50 page volunteer manual. And hopefully doing something random with
thinkcanfly that will involve cold drinks. It's far too hot. I've got to go water the roses and wash my grody dishes now. <33.