I'm half asleep right now. It's three in the morning. @__@ But I got tagged for Iceberg a while ago, and I need to do it before I forget. But I'm exhausted. So these facts might suck.
1)Iceberg has trust issues. She's not comfortable with letting her guard down, and she hides her emotions from people, until she feels she can trust them 100%.
2) She has no idea what she would do without Tray. He's more than a brother to her, he's her best friend, and she loves him like crazy.
3)Even though she's constantly ragging on Lights, she never means what she says. She actually likes Lights's random facts, but she would never admit it.
4)Iceberg never wanted the hiership. She never even gave it a second thought. But now that she's won it, she can't imagine living somewhere other than the legacy house. She feels honoured to have won, and would feel devastated if she let PUtM down.
5)Iceberg has always wanted twin boys. She's currently pregnant, and eagerly awaiting the outcome.
6)She's allergic to chocalate.
7)Iceberg has never had a crush. Never met anyone she's been physically attracted to. This never struck her as odd, until she goes husband seeking. What happens? You'll have to wait for the next update to find out. :P
8)Her favorite color is green, just like her mother. The legacy house is also green. She's decided that the offiical Legacy Color, is green.
9)When she has a problem, she won't stop and relax until she finds a solution. The problem becomes her, and she'll postpone sleep, hunger, anything, until she solves it.
10)She's terrified of clowns. She's always been. She hates the painted smiles.. the crazy hair. *shudders*
Tada! I'm not tagging anyone. I hate this meme now. And I only did 3. Now, I'm off to bed.