Pump Up the Music! A Legacy. Ch. 1.2

Feb 14, 2010 13:09

Yayyy! Update! The only reason this update took so long, is because I had a major picture loss. Because I am an idiot. HOPEFULLY, I have learned my lesson, and the rest of this legacy should fly by problem free! (Hmm...)
I reccomend reading my last two chapters before this one, as it may be confusing. But, for those of you to lazy to do that, I'll include a bit of a recap. I'll use chat speak just to annoy you aswell!

I haz founda named iPod.
iPod be lover wiff Jerome.
Jerome an iPod make babiez.
Babiez be Transformer, Fun, Lights, Iceberg, an Seattle.
Babiez are named after musik on the iPod on shuffle.
iPod is sad cuz there be no money.
Jermome say he get de mula.

Recap Over!! So now.. the actual legacy will begin. (If I still have any readers. That chatspeak was very scary.) 

"Sydney where are we?"

-Why Tray, we're in Strangetown!

"Why are there aliens outside?"

-Because... we're in Strangetown.


-Because this is a copy of your real family. And I put you in Strangetown.

"Why are we a copy?"

-Because I lost pictures! Now, Stop asking questions!



"Fine. I'll just paint instead."

-Fine with me. Bringing in more money.

"Swydney. I wanna twalk to da weaders."

-Uhmm.. okay. Go at it Fun.

"Dear weaders of Pump Up Da Music. I wanna say dat you should vote fo me fo the heirship. I am weally cute an I named afta Swydney's favowite band. Dats a win win! So.. wemeber. Vote fo Fun!"

-Fun... Your a toddler. The heirship is forever away!

'I'm a gettin a head start."

-Okay. If you say so.... 

Aww look at Tray being a nicey big brother! Also.. this is Lights 3rd hairstyle. She has a really long face.

"And then, he huffed and he puffed, and.... Lights what are you doing?"

"My nose is more interesting than those stupid pigs. This story is dumb and I don't like it. Read me War and Peace."

"War and Peace? Isn't that a little advanced?"

"Are you insulting my intelligence?"

"You were just picking your nose..."

"That proves nothing!"

Yes, iPod is alive. And she's a wonderful mother. <3

"It's the tickle monster! It's gonna get you Iceberg! It's gonna get you!"

"HeeHee! Momma your so siwwy! It's just your finga!"

-Yo yo Seattle. What's up?

"I no likey my sistas."


"Girls are icky."

-Oh.. I see. Your in the 'Girls Have Cooties' phase. Why don't you play with Tray?

"His hair is wong like a girls."

-... I can assure you Tray is a boy.

"I don think so."

-Okay... play with your toys then.

"I will."


" Okay."

The boys of this generation are awkward...


"Tray. Your not scaring me. It's obvious you were hiding behind your hands."

"Then why do you look so suprised?"

"It's an act. To make you feel better about life."

See... the girls have no problem with Tray... kinda.

"Swydney! The circle don fit in the twiangle! Fix it!"

-You can try putting the circle in the cirlce. That should work.

"Oh.... I knew dat."

-Of course you did.

-I thought you were going to go play with your toys.

"I was. But I got no toys. So I play wiff meh hand instead."

-You have toys!

"Only like... fwive."

-You spoiled brat.

"I'm bored!"

-Go play with your brother. I'm worried about him.

"He tinks I haff cooties."

-Prove him wrong.


"Ima pwove to you dat I got no cooties!"

"Oh wow. Iceberg you are wight. Women are warm! I wuv you!"

"Okay.. Seattle dis is cweepy."

"Don let go!"

I think these two are addicted to peek-a-boo. It's ALL they do.

And paint. Tray paints ALL THE TIMEEE! He bring in like 1,500 dollars a week with his paintings. I'm not complaining though!

"Tray has abandoned me for the easel."

-I'm sorry..

"It's fine. Him constantly screaming 'Boo' in my face was getting annnoying."

Lookie my beautiful foundress!

"I am angry with you."

-What did I do??

"I've only had 10 dream dates with Jerome. 10! I need 40 more!"

-Okay... I was going to wait 'till you were an elder, and wasn't constantly taking care of children.

"Eww! I don't want to romanticizzle someone when I'm all old and crusty!"

-Well... you will. So suck it up.

"I hate you."

-Aww that's not nicey iPod.

Look! He found a source of entertainment!

"It's not better than girls! They're so WARM!"

I am really worried about him...

And now it is time for the childification of the quads.

I gave my dummy family lotsa money, so that they could buy a plaground!

Now enjoy Child Spam:

Tray and Seattle hung like that for hours.

"Let go Seattle."

"No. You let go you long-haired freak."

Look! Seattle has pit stains!

Awwww! Seattle lost. But Tray won! Woooo!

"I, Transformer Shuffle, am THE KING of the monkey bars. I will NEVER fail."

"Ahhhhhhhh! People! Close your eyes! Don't watch!"

"Heh heh. He's such a loser."

"Boys are weird."

I second that.

-What are you lookin at Seattle?

"Omigosh. Sydney. You never told me there were so many women in this thing!"


"So many pictures! I bet there warm. I wanna touch one..."

-Seattle! Get of the computer!

"Dear lord! She's wearing a robe! I bet she's realllllly warm! Oh....wait.... she's taking it off..."

I really regret telling Iceberg to hug him...

"Ughh! No I won't hug you are you crazy?!"

"I'll give you you a box of watercolors!"


I've got some bi-polar children.

I would like you all to know, that we are now in Melody Land! (I think that's what I named it...) Tray is now a teen btw. He rolled popularity, and his ltw is to be a celibrity chef. I've finnally got all my pictures back. Isn't it wonderful??

"Heehee! Sydney, our neighbors that don't exist just got a visit from the Repo man!"

-Well if you don't start skilling, you won't get a promotion. That means no money. Which means you will join the Repo-man club.


-Iceberg! What the hell are you doing? Get out of there!

""I want to stop looking.. but.. it's like a train wreck!"

-You poor poor child.

*Sigh* He paints and paints and paints.

"Wooo! Five-hundered bucks!"

"Really? Wow! Thank you so much sir! Yes! Yes! Thank you SO much! I really appreciate it! Good day sir."

-Good news?

"Sydney! That was Sim State University! They called to tell me I recieved the Visual Arts Scholarship!"

-Wow Tray that's great! Why don't you go tell your parents?

"Yeah okay!"

-Tray... you might want to go INSIDE the dining room.

"Shh! I'm trying to listen!"

"Okay hun, but ever since we moved to the new neighborhood I lost all my friends. I'll need to make five more before I can get a promotion."

"I need three more."

"Yeah well, with all the kids going to school and such they should be able to make some friends aswell"

"Yeah but.. is it enough? I mean Jerome... we had to sell two of our childrens beds to afford groceries last week. That's not normal."

"Well babe... we're not being smart with money at all. We're furnishing the house room by room. I mean, this room alone is about $3,000, but our bedroom still doesn't have flooring."

"Well.. we don't control that. Sydney wants to furnish the house that way."

"I know. Sometimes I wish we hadn't had the kids. We'd probably be rich-"

"How could you say that?! HOW?! I love our kids to death!"

"Baby! So do I! I would die without them!"

"Then why'd you say that?!"

"I simply meant, that if we had had more money before the kids had been born, we'd be better of now!"



"I'm going to go.. call someone. *sniff* You should go skill or something. *sob*"

"Babe! Why are you crying?"

"I'm just stressed okay! Why don't you go kill our kids or something?!"

"Babby... I am sorry! I didn't mean it! I said the wrong thing okay? I am so sorry."

"I..I... I know. I just..wish you would think before you talked."

"I will honey. The carpool's here.. I have to go. I'm really really sorry. I promise when I get home we'll go on dreamdate after dreamdate. Will that help?"

"I-I guess."

"Goodbye. I love you..."

"I love you too..."

"Sydney... did.. did you hear that? Dad thinks it's my fault we're poor."

-He didn't say that!

"It's what he meant. I've got to do something to fix this."

-Tray! Your being ridiculous.

"I know! I'll get a job! I'll increase the number of paintings I sell by three-hundered percent! I'll skill constantly so I can get more scholarships, that way mom and dad can save money when I go to college!"

-Tray.. you're going to overwork yourself!

"I don't care! I need to redeem myself!"

-For what?!

"You heard what dad said!"

Oh gosh.

"There! A job in the medical career. That's sixty-five dollars a day."


"Shh! I'm gonna go study."

He's not the only one. This whole house is always skilling like mad.
 -What'cha guys reading?

"Moby Dick."

"The Ten Most Famous Legacies of All Time."

"101 Funny Comebacks and When To Use Them."

"Are you proud of me mom?"

"For what?"

"This painting! It'll bring in about five hundered bucks!"

"Really? Mine's priced at like.. one hundered.

-iPod! This is the fourth time you've done this!

"I'm sorry! Just call the fire deparment! Quick!!"

-That's your job.


This is Hailey Darga, iPod's bestest friend ever. She's at the house ALL the time. It can get kind of annoying. She doesn't leave until two in the morning.

Though she is kind of pretty. A makeover would do her wonders.

"Jerome said what?!"

"That he wishes the kids hadn't been born yet."

"That's ridiculous!"

"I know. He said he didn't mean it though."

"Well of course he said that, he's a man! As soon as they smell the tiniest bit of trouble, they start covering thier trail. Don't wanna be caught."

"You seem to know alot about men for not having one."

"Now come on! That was a low blow!"

"I'm sorry, but it's true. Hailey why aren't you lookung for a man?"

"I am a strong independent woman! I do NOT need a man in my life."

"You don't want one either?"

"Well... to be honest... I have seen a guy I think is pretty cute."

"Really? Who?"


"HAILEY! That's disgusting! He's my son!"

"Exactly! He has your genes! You're a pretty girl iPod."

"So you think he's pretty?!"

"More like sexy as hell!!"

"OKAY! We're ending this conversation!"

-Hey Iceberg! What's happinin?

"Don't talk like that."

-Sorry... how was school?

"Oh gee! It was fantabulous! Six amazing hours in a classroom with a sweaty old bat teacing me the planets! I loved it!

-Are you serious?

"No! Gawsh your such an idiot."

"Promotion! Promtotion! Pro pro pro motionnnnnn!"

"Please Lights! Gimme' a hug! I want to feel your warmth!"

"No! Get away from me! Creeper!"

"Ugghh! I need fun! My name is Fun! I canlive without funness


12:07 am- Wake up
12:22 am- Take bath. Use crappy bathtub so dad can use the nice one.

1:05 am- Clean bathtub.

1:20 am- Chat with Suzie in a dire attempt to raise social.

1:51 am- Paint a masterpeice.

5:27 am- Sell masterpeice.

5:33 am- Make breakfast for the quads and mom.

6:27 am- Do Friday's homework.

9:07 am- Paint Masterpiece.

2:00 pm- Go to work.

3:40 pm- Come home. Reached the top of the medical career.

4:08 pm- Test out new chile recipe. Earn new cooking point.

6:00 pm- Go to work.

10:09 pm- Come home.

10:16 Chat on phone to increase social.

12:24 am- Take a shower.

1:07 am- Finish painting.

2:53 am- Sell painting. Officially earned $5,000

2:59 am- Fix computer. Earn two mechanical points.

4:17 am- Study. Max Cooking.

5:37 am- Eat

6:20 am- Go to sleep

Normally I would yell at them for this, but It's there birthday! Happy Day!

Tis the birthday of the quads. The quads. The quads. The birthday of the quaaaaaaaaaads! Yeahhhh!

Fun Shuffle.

Family- Reach Golden Anniversary.
Chem- Custom Hair+ Witches/ Werewolves.

Lights Shuffle

Knowledge- Her LTW is glitched. I still have to fix it.
Chem- Creative+Formal/ Custom hair.

Iceberg Shuffle

Pleasure- Forgot to write down LTW.
Chem.- Clean+Witches/ Werewolves

Seattle Shuffle

Romance- Again, forgot to write down LTW.
Chem- Facial hair(Hmm..)+Grey Hair/ Great cook.

"Oh gimme a hug bro!"

"Eww! Lights get away from me!"

"But... I thought you loved a woman's warmth!"

"True.. but now that I'm a teen, it's just wrong for me to enjoy a sisters warmth! I need real women now."


This is where I leave you! Was this chapter long? Took me three days to write it. Anywho, I hoped you guys liked it, and pleasey please please leave me a comment either here, or on boolprop. Hopefully next chappie won't take as long to write as this one. :D Peace!

chapter 1.2, shuffle, legacy

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