My head is a flutter of activity

Sep 11, 2007 10:00

It has been a while since I last posted anything and I must say that my head is filled with thoughts and other things. So here goes

I have had a lull at work which has allowed me to pick back up again on my pulp culture knowledge. This week is the big story is the Brittany Spears. Her disastrous performance at the VMAs  has sparked a slew of comments in the world of blogs. I have to say I have never been a big fan of Brittany. I never thought that she had that spark. I have always enjoyed her dancing ability.  And, I am in love with Toxic. Other than that I have found her to be slightly annoying and very trashy especially after Chaotic. She to me has always been a train wreck you can't take your eyes off of.   I must admit I have been opening my heart and my mind to her as of late. I have felt badly for her and the way she has been hounded by the press.  And, a special someone is obsessed with her.

What distrubs me the most from the events of the past 2 days isn't related to Brittany at all- it is the hypocrisy of the news media and bloggers. Basically I feel that the main point that they all make is that she failed her "comeback" becasuse of her weight.  It boils down to what I have come to loathe about the entertainment press in general. The issue of body image fills the airways and it is on almost every entertainment news program.  They condone the modeling industry for having "super skinny models" and praise the fact that some actress or singer has just taken off loads of weight. The message that is being sent to young girls and women across this country is so mixed and bejumpled (I don't think that is a word but I am making it one) that it is a wonder that anyone in this image obsessed country has any sort of positive body image of themselves.  Now after having 2 kids I know plenty of women who would love to have a body like that.

The other thing that disturbs me is how can someone like Brittany who is trying to have life when everyone has wriiten her off to fail. She has made mistakes-but who hasn't- she has gone out and hung out with the wrong people-who hasn't done that. How can someone have a "comeback" when everyone around her profits off of her failing? More thoughts to come but I must go back to work.
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