Cut and paste.

Feb 24, 2014 01:59

And in the morning they were not gone.

She decided for the first time in her life she was face to face with innocence.
He was considerably irked by the hole in his head.

"I really wish you'd wear tank tops more."
Thin lines ran down her hands and arms.
"Leave me on the floor."

She couldn't get the idea of him dying out of her head.
He was born with weak fingers but a strong heart.

"Why aren't you happy here?"

It's kind of useless without the other one.
I know this place.
We shouldn't leave it unlocked.

"Can we not fight tonight?"

Days of sweat and work drew hard lines on his face.
Her finger nails dug deep into the ground, and she gritted her teeth.

It's way more complicated than that.

They're not in their right mind.

"So it was all a lie, huh?"
"Just tell me where she is."
He just knew.
They were trapped.

He set out on an adventure.
It was time for her to die.

Don't make a sound.

I know where this is from.

Add salt.

The light shown straight through his hand.
They were almost too dark.

"I never anticipated death smelling like cranberries."
Nobody else seemed to notice.
They never lost control.

He could feel it inside, crawling under his skin.
She was only sixteen.

"You're the type of person they write books about, not me."
"You don't get to tell me how to feel."
I thought it would be easier to leave.

"You know they can hear every word you say."

"I can't just snap my fingers and fix this."

"You said you'd never leave."


He had the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen.
He was afraid if she closed her eyes, he'd never see them again.

Just leave me alone.

Her feet were bruised and muddy.
His voice cracked.

"I just don't want to be famous, I want people to love me."
"How long has it been since you last slept?"

Sirens interrupted her thoughts.
She wanted him to hit her.

His head hit the floor with a sickening thud.
Someday, this will all be over.

"Why do you have this urge to control people all the time?"

Sometimes he wondered if he made the right decision.

For once, her sleep wasn't dreamless.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd spoken.

The umbrella had a tear in it.
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