The criminal hideout that is my life.

Feb 18, 2003 10:25

Long time no post, apparently ... it's exceedingly easy to lose track of time in this town. What feels like a week is often less than a day, and vice versa. Must remember to finally corner the expatriate and get this explained. In the meantime, have just dismissed the three field agents who just beat down the door of my hotel in mad mid-search. Sorry, Dad! Sorry, Marshall! Guess a search party's what you get when your last known transmission was conducted in full hangover.

Here's what I've uncovered so far: 80% of Sunnydale populace falls into one of three behavioral categories, all of which put them at risk for possible illegal activity and felony crime. However, immunity under the umbrella of Miscellaneous World-Saving would be the most prudent course of action considering the evidence I've seen. (Does CIA even recognize said umbrella?) Don't even ask about what happened to the Initiative, by the way. It goes much deeper than that, e.g. sateen-swilling Hellgods.

Sunnydale: Solved

Fights demons for sake of God/country: buffy_anne, xander__harris, _ripper_, _kennedy_, amanda_sit, charles__gunn

Fights demons as last defense against innate sociopathic tendencies: _rogueslayer_, _champion_, wyndham__pryce, soulvamp, rabbit_phobia, xdawnsummersx, red_witch, buffy_anne, that0therguy

Is demon: evilcordy, cole_turner, soulvamp, stoic_wolf (although has undergone extensive therapy), _scourge_, buffy_anne (based on unconfirmed reports)

Only possible exceptions to my theory are black_rayne, who ostensibly aspires to category III but has not ascended, and chao_ahn, who may not be aware enough to undergo any change at all.

End transmission for now - need morning mocha, which is the only sensible ritual I have observed around here.
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