Sep 30, 2008 10:06
"They're having a gas shortage in Charlotte, you better check on that before you go to make sure you don't end up getting stuck there!", mom says with more than a hint of glee in her voice. What I didn't say, but thought quite loudly was, getting stuck in Charlotte would be fine with me. What I did say was "A gas shortage isn't going to change whether or not we go, it just might change when we fill up on the way". That took away the gleeful look in her eyes.
She doesn't like when we go to Charlotte, so anytime we plan a trip to go, she always tries to come up with reasons why we shouldn't. Prior to the gas shortage, it was that renting a car is too expensive. We have to rent a car because our minivan won't make long trips anymore, although so far (knock on wood) it does fine for in-town driving. We're renting a car this time as well, and of course, that's too expensive AND we won't be able to find gas, so we might get stuck there, THE HORRORS.
What gets me is that I am turning 36 in less than a month, I've been married for 11 years, we have two kids, and I have lived on my own since I was 22. Still, my mother feels the need to tell me how to run my life each and every time I do something she doesn't like. Repeatedly. Even when I acknowledge what she's said, tell her why I'm doing it my way anyway, and say it's not open to further discussion. I'd bet money that she'll bring up the gas shortage in North Carolina at least one more time before we get on the road.
That's the downside to living in the same town with my parents, I guess. They never quite get used to the idea that I'm an adult and capable of leading a life that's different from theirs and still manage to be happy. The reason she doesn't like when I go to Charlotte is that my husband and I are visiting our other partners. By "partners" I mean, among other things, "lovers".
We came out as polyamorous to my parents and my husband's parents back in February. To say they weren't happy about it is an understatement. Ever since then, anytime I bring up going to Charlotte, mom tries to invent reasons for us not to go. Some of the reasons are good, and logical. "It's too expensive to have all these trips between here and there, esp. with the price of gas", "Doesn't renting a car cost too much?" and, prior to our vehicle protesting long road trips," it's putting a lot of wear and tear on your minivan".
Still, I'm quite apathetic about all of them. Yeah, I should be worried about the makes things a little more difficult at home sometimes. Renting a car does increase the expense, even if the gas ends up being cheaper. Yeah, I should worry about whether we can even find gas to get back home, because we do need to get back. For now, however, it's more important to me to be able to get the face to face time as much as possible rather than saving a few extra dollars or paying off debt just a little faster. Soon enough, we'll be living together and I can turn my attention more toward getting ahead with our finances and who knows what else mom will come up with between now and then. None of it matters, even if it should. Money has never been a primary motivating factor for me, and now is no different.
When given a choice of having more money or having more time with our loves, there's really nothing to consider. I'm already in the car and on my way.
week 2,